Saturday, September 25, 2021

MTG: A Bully Who Is Unloved, Insecure, and Badly Hurting

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Yesterday the US House of Representatives passed a piece of legislation that would protect a woman's right to have an abortion by codifying that right into law.  In order to actually become law, that bill would also have to be approved by the US Senate, something that is unlikely to happen at the present time, and then be signed into law by President Biden.  But the vote did amount to a significant statement from the House, nonetheless.

Upon completion of the vote several female members of the House went outside onto the Capitol steps to hold a press conference regarding the legislation, but instead of a press conference, the event quickly turned into something more akin to a circus when Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene began heckling her congressional colleagues.  Greene began taunting the group for  not being "Christian" and for what she deemed to be their support of the "murder" of children who had yet to be born.   Several of the women walled back inside of the Capitol to ignore Green when she began her harangue, but Congresswoman Debbie Dingel of Michigan finally felt compelled to respond to Greene.  Dingel criticized Green for "not standing with women" and for her general incivility.

But uncivil or not, Congresswoman Greene got what she was after:  attention.

Yesterday was not the first time that Marjorie Taylor Greene had put on a show outside of the Capitol.  In March of 2019, before she was elected to Congress but when she was in the early stages of seeking a House seat from her native state of Georgia, Greene came to Washington, DC, to try and meet with some Senators and other prominent politicians to advocate against gun control and to get a few photo ops and sound bites for her upcoming campaign.  As she was walking between buildings near the Capitol, she happened to run into anti-gun activist David Hogg, one of the better known survivors of the massacre at the high school in Parkland, Florida, on Valentine's Day in 2018.

Greene, who had had no luck in getting any meetings with anyone in the Senate, then decided that she would  follow young Mr. Hogg around for awhile and heckle him.   During her marching rant, Greene yelled that Hogg was being funded by George Soros (a favorite boogeyman of conservatives) and liberals, and she also called the young shooting survivor an "idiot" and said that he had been "trained like a dog."   She also called David Hogg a "coward" because he kept walking away from her and would not respond to her ravings.  Greene later admitted that she was angry that while she had not been able to meet with ay senators, David Hogg had secured meetings with several.

But again, Greene got what she was after, attention and some colorful material for her campaign.

 After Greene was elected to Congress and sworn in, Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jamie was killed at the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, released a tape of Greene's attack on David Hogg and noted that Marjorie Taylor Greene had called the young activist a "coward" because he had ignored her "insanity."

For his part, David Hogg said this in a tweet:

"It's sad to think about how the unloved hate.  People like Greene, like most bullies, always try to attack and project strength because that area so badly hurting, so unloved and insecure."
As the group of congresswomen who were attacked by Marjorie Taylor Greene yesterday no doubt realize, the attention-seeking Georgia congresswoman is still unloved, insecure, and badly hurting - and she is going is going to spread that hurt unsparingly in her desperate attempts to get noticed.

And the House of Representatives should notice Marjorie Taylor Greene - and then expel her!

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