Thursday, September 23, 2021

Happy Birthday, Tim!

by Pa Rock
Proud Father

My favorite Hollywood screenwriter - and youngest child - Tim Macy is having a birthday today, number forty-two!

Forty-two years ago today was a Sunday, and it was the first day of Autumn.  Tim drew his first breath in St. Francis Hospital in Mountain View, Missouri.  The first person he met upon his arrival that day was an exceptional young physician and humanitarian by the name of Jon Roberts.  Today, in retirement, Dr. Roberts has established a free medical clinic in Mountain View, and he organizes and runs medical missionary trips to Haiti.  Babies who were brought into the world by Dr. Roberts had the rare privilege of starting life in the hands of one of its very best people!

Tim and I have "antipodal" birthdays, we are exactly six months apart.  When he is celebrating a birthday, I am having a half-birthday, and vice-versa!.

A friend phoned from St. Louis this week and in the course of our conversation she informed me that both of Tim's movies - "The Brass Teapot" and "Lost Child" - are currently streaming on Amazon Prime.  Either one would go well with a warm bowl of chili and a cool autumn evening!

I am obviously proud of Tim, and I appreciate the care and good judgment that he and Erin use in raising my two wonderful grandchildren (two of six!), Olive and Sully.  I also appreciate the way Tim phones his old dad every few days to see how he is doing.

Happy birthday, Tim!  You are a great son, and I hope that you have a wonderful day!

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