Wednesday, July 10, 2019

There Should Be No "Faves" When It Comes to Rapists of Children

by Pa Rock
Social Worker

During my working career I spent over a decade in state child protection - and to say I have seen it all, neglect and depravity in unspeakably horrific terms - would still border on understatement.  Awful things are done to children every day - in every type of neighborhood.  I've been in those homes, and campers, and kennels - and I know that of which I speak.

Last week a billionaire who has social connections to at least two United States Presidents was arrested by federal authorities on "child trafficking" charges.  The apparent specifics of his charges are that he used  minor girls, sometimes fifteen or younger, for "sexual massage" and sex.  It has also been reported that lewd photos of minors have been found in a safe in one of his homes.  Significantly, the alleged perpetrator, Jeffery Epstein, has been in jail for several days now - unable to buy his way out through America's privileged bail-bond system.

Epstein received little more than a slap-on-the-wrist for these types of crimes more than a decade ago (2008) when a U.S. Attorney in Florida by the name of Alex Acosta negotiated a deal whereby the billionaire would not be prosecuted for allegations involving sex with minors.  A Miami newspaper recently described that agreement as "the sweetheart deal of a lifetime."  That same Alex Acosta is currently the U.S. Secretary of Labor in Donald Trump's cabinet.  Since the arrest of Epstein last week and the subsequent public scrutiny of the old plea deal, Acosta has been in a panic mode yammering about "new information" coming to light which resulted in new charges.

But, try as he might to deflect attention away from the gross miscarriage of justice which he engineered back in 2008, Alex Acosta has still been strongly tied to Jeffrey Epstein in the current press.  Donald Trump has said that he stands by his labor secretary, and members of the Trump administration  are attempting to give Acosta personal credit for what they say is a strong economy.  Trump said he would be watching the situation with Epstein closely.

Donald Trump is one of the two U.S. Presidents who seem to have personal ties with Epstein that go back for many years, so it is understandable that he would be watching the case "closely."  Earlier this week Christine Pelosi, a "Democratic Party political strategist" and daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, put out a couple of tweets alerting (Democrats, one must suppose) that some of our "faves" may ultimately be implicated in the Epstein sexual saga.  Pictures of Bill Clinton appeared with some of those tweets.  Clinton quickly commented that he has had no contact with Epstein in over a decade.

(And, of course, the Acosta situation with Epstein also occurred over a decade ago, thus not giving Bill Clinton much in the way of political cover.).

Here's what I know from my own decade of working with abused children and the filth who find ways to live out their sexual fantasies with them:

  • There is no such thing as a child being able to give consent for sex with an adult.  While this may be muddied by marriage laws in a couple of backwater states, by and large a child cannot consent to sex with an adult.  When that happens it is a crime called "rape."  
  • Rape is rape, regardless of who the perpetrator is.  It does not become something socially acceptable if the scumbag perpetrator is a billionaire - or a tight political friend of a billionaire.
  • When it comes to a person raping a child - or palling around with someone whom they describe as "liking them young," this angry typist has no "faves!"  Expose the vermin and let the chips fall where they may - hopefully with honest and courageous prosecutors bringing the cases to court and demanding justice for these abused children.
The abuse of children is never right, people - whether it's locking them up in filthy concentration camps in order to try and deter what some see as "illegal" immigration, or trafficking them from one rich and privileged pervert to another!

Something stinks in America - and it bears more than just a "close" watch.  It's time to spray for cockroaches, and if that takes down some rich people who never had to worry about laws before, so be it.  

No more "faves"- lock the bastards up!

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