Friday, July 5, 2019

Sebastian, Man of a Dozen Years!

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

My second oldest grandchild, Sebastian, turns twelve today in Oregon where he is likely partying with his brother and sister - Judah and Willow - and his Kansas cousins - Olive and Sully.  I'm sure they are all having a great time, and I suspect there is a beach involved!

Sebastian is tall and skinny,  and he likes to dress nicely.   He is often in a pressed shirt with a tie, and he takes a lot of pride in his appearance.  He has his own cell phone, so every now and then I am surprised with a telephone call from him, something I always enjoy!

Sebastian has the makings of a young businessman.  He has an interest in commerce, and for a couple of years now has maintained a "store" in his room where he displays items for sale.  He also has his own briefcase.

Sebastian is inventive and is constantly modifying his bikes by adding features that make them unique.  He loves to race his wagons and bikes up and down the hill in front of his house, and he has created a "garage" for his vehicles under the back deck.

I haven't seen Sebastian since my birthday - which was back in March - but I will be out there soon.

Have a great day with the family, Sebastian - and happy birthday!

1 comment:

molly. said...

Thanks Dad! I showed him your post. :)