Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nick at Forty-Six

by Pa Rock
Proud Papa

My oldest child, Nick, was born forty-six years ago at the Camp Kue U.S. Army Hospital on Okinawa, Japan.  He came to the United States at the very young age of two months, and has been a permanent fixture in this country since that time.

Nick grew up in the Missouri Ozarks where he loved to hunt and fish, and he has remained a resident of southern Missouri for most of his life - and the hunting and fishing have continued.  He has one child, Boone, who is in college, and a faithful old dog named Riley who has spent more than a decade looking after his master.

Nick often steps forward to help me out with odd chores and difficult tasks here at the farm,  and he did all of the mowing during the first few weeks following my hospitalization this summer.  It is good to have someone around to depend on when times are tough.

Happy birthday, Nick!  Thanks for being there when I need you.

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