Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Cadet Bone Spurs Prepares to Pleasure Himself in Public

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

American draft dodger Donald John Trump is about to enjoy the masturbatory experience of a lifetime as he honors himself with a military parade and fireworks demonstration on the Fourth of July.  Trump, who is just back from an Asian tour where he managed to shamelessly and publicly grovel before three of the world's most dangerous dictators, appears anxious to show his ruthless friends that he, too, can command the attention of millions - whether those millions actually admire him or not.

Trump, who tried unsuccessfully to have his own military parade last year on Veteran's Day, only to have his plans torpedoed by an ungrateful military, instead chose to co-opt this year's Fourth of July celebration in Washington, DC, and turn it into a mighty military tribute to himself.   The affair, under the management of Trump Enterprises, will feature extra fireworks (donated by a company trying to influence government spending), military tanks on the National Mall, and a flyover by Air Force One.

It is also likely to feature hundreds and hundreds of men and women in uniform marching past a reviewing stand and smartly saluting Il Douche as they pass.

Oh the glory -  and the potential campaign footage!

And standing before the world in all of his magnificence Donald Trump will prove beyond a doubt that he is just as manly as Vlad Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un - the other three Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

Praise Jesus and pass the sparklers!

1 comment:

Stuck60 said...

Well struck! There is no way in this world to explain to ordinary citizens the evil that lurks in that man. And when you add that he has at least 30 percent of his base with him at all times, you wonder what kind of place America has finally become.