Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moscow Mitch: A Thin-Skinned Reptile

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from he Commonwealth of Kentucky, has has lived in the sewer of national politics for most of his adult life.  During his long tenure in Washington, DC, McConnell has made a name for himself by relentlessly pursing the interests of corporations over those of his constituents back home in Kentucky.  When it comes to public service, Mitch McConnell is motivated by two things, and two things only:  filling his pockets and maintaining power.

Public service is about the public serving Mitch.

And those goals work hand-in-hand with one another.  The more money Mitch amasses, the easier it becomes to keep his power - and his tight grip on power brings in more and more corporate cash.  Mitch is not in the Senate to do charity work or to necessarily benefit anyone other than Mitch McConnell.

McConnell is a cold-blooded reptile who is very at home slithering through the sewers of our nation's capital.  (Apologies to snakes everywhere!)

Mitch McConnell's latest foray into public controversy has to do with election security.  McConnell, who has accepted bribes political donations from the manufacturers of voting equipment, is loathe to allow any legislation to be voted on in the Senate which would enhance election security in any meaningful manner.  Some say his intransigence is due to the cash that people who make election equipment have stuffed into his pockets, while others say he is doing it to allow continued Russian interference (including the hacking of voting machines) in the US elections.  The argument goes that Russian interference in the 2016 elections put Donald Trump in the White House and brought in enough Republican senators to solidify Mitch's control of that chamber for years to come - and why mess with success?

McConnell doesn't want tighter protections on voting because - he says - all of that honesty stuff would help Democrats,  Why put his fiefdom at risk?

But in keeping the lid clamped down tightly on American democracy, McConnell has opened himself to charges that he is fighting election security measures in order to  better facilitate more Russian interference in the 2020 election - and enhance that country's efforts to elect more Republicans and stir more political turmoil here in the United States.

Some wags even openly suggest that Mitch McConnell takes his marching orders directly from Russian leader Vladimir Putin - and more than a few malicious "tweeters" have taken to referring to McConnell as "Moscow Mitch" on Twitter.

And Mitch does not like being referred to as "Moscow Mitch," not one bit!

McConnell, a man who has spent a lifetime belittling and disparaging others, can dish it out, but he sure can't take it.  Yesterday, in response to the #MoscowMitch tag which has been trending on Twitter for several days now, the senior Kentucky senator tweeted this response:

"Modern-day McCarthyism is poison for American democracy. It is shameful to imply that policy disagreements make the other side unpatriotic. The people who push such unhinged smears are doing Putin’s destabilizing work for him."

Joe McCarthy was a Republican senator who caused a great deal of political turmoil in the 1950's by castigating his political enemies and other prominent Americans as being "communists."   Ironically, if McCarthy were around today, he would most likely be sitting quite comfortably in the GOP's big white tent drinking beer and trying to keep Lindsey Graham's hand off of his knee.

Communism is out of fashion in Russia, and the only time that I recall it being bandied about in recent years happened in 2016 when Donald Trump referred to Bernie Sanders publicly as a "communist," though Trump recently came dangerously close to using that appellation on members of "the Squad," and will probably get around to doing it sooner or later at one of his hate fests.

But for the time being it is Mich McConnell who is being smeared by McCarthy tactics.  Poor, poor Moscow Mitch.  Who knew that a hoary old reptile like him could have such thin skin?

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