Thursday, February 23, 2023

Weird Dreams

by Pa Rock
Nocturnal Hallucinator

I am not a person who normally remembers my dreams, but I had a couple last week which stuck with me.  The first happened one afternoon while I was sitting in the living room recliner at Tim and Erin’s house watching the umpteenth episode of “Grimm” for the umpteenth time.   I became very drowsy and faded off into some nether world that was probably influenced by the offbeat television series as well by the pain meds that I had been taking for the preceding two weeks.
The First Dream:
As I lost consciousness, I immediately found myself transported back to the 1960’s at what appeared to be a seldom-used airfield in Springfield, Missouri – the place where I had been attending college at the time.  I was standing in the field along with a female friend from that same period in my life – and we were waiting on a plane to arrive which would take us to Ozark, or Crane, or Nixa, or some other nearby small town.
Suddenly a small passenger plane came roaring down from the clouds and landed nearby.  As we boarded the plane directly from the ground through an open cargo door, I caught a glimpse of the pilot sitting at the controls.  It was my old second grade teacher, Cora Gum, who would have been in her eighties at that time!
Mrs. Gum appeared to be in a hurry, and just as my friend and I got ourselves strapped into the only two seats in the cabin, the plane was bumping along across the rough field, and we were soon airborne heading toward the heavens.
It was at point where things started to get weird.
Suddenly I noticed that my fellow passenger was now Mrs. Gum, and that my friend from college was flying the plane – and that she had a tumbler of scotch sitting atop the plane’s control panel.  I also noticed that the airplane’s configuration had changed, and it now seemed to be a flying school bus.
We were rapidly descending and heading for a landing in another rough field, this one containing a long runway composed of large, uneven paving stones.  I was entering a panic mode but was minimally reassured by the pilot’s calm demeanor as she worked the controls and sipped her scotch.  
Moments later our school bus-plane was bouncing happily – and gratefully – down the runway.   We had arrived!
(The first dream lasted less than ten minutes.  The second was probably even shorter.)
The Second Dream:
This one occurred late that same night.  I was aware that I was lying in bed, but uncertain as to whether I was awake or not.  I was uncomfortable and lying on my back – my only sleeping option since breaking my arm two weeks earlier.  As I was lying there, I happened to glance down at the left corner of the bed just as a strange little man hopped up onto the mattress and began walking across it - and me - toward the upper righthand corner of the bed.
The intruder was about eighteen inches tall and probably weighed less than fifteen pounds.  He was dressed formally in a blue business suit and tie, and he bore a strong resemblance to my best friend in high school.  I’m not sure why, but I found this second dream to be much more frightening than the first – and I woke myself up with a scream.  I had scared myself, and I guess I scared the intruder as well because he hopped off of my bed and has not been seen since!
Sleeping can be difficult for someone with a broken arm, but at least it is entertaining!

1 comment:

Molly Files said...

HAAHAAA! This gave me a good laugh!!