Thursday, February 16, 2023

Are Guillotines and Snuff Films Deterrents to Crime?

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald John Trump, easily one of the most personally dishonest and reprehensible people to ever serve as President of the United States, has a long history of misusing his position and authority to break badly on low-level criminals, and especially those who espouse political views contrary to his own.  Trump, for instance, has encouraged police to get physical with protestors and reporters, even suggesting that law enforcement officers bang the heads of protestors against their squad cars.  He has also mentioned, on occasion, his personal desire to have the military shoot racial protest demonstrators.

At one time Trump paid for full-page newspaper ads calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, a group later exonerated for their alleged crimes.  Trump never apologized to those men over hir racist and unhinged rush to judgment.
And, lest we forget, Donald Trump was the prime instigator and cheerleader for the violence at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Donald Trump has a well-known penchant for violence and sadism.   During his presidency – which was mercifully just one term - Trump oversaw more executions of federal prisoners than any other President in the past one-hundred-and-twenty years.  Trump even oversaw the execution of some prisoners during the lame-duck period after he had lost re-election but before Joe Biden was sworn in as President – something that rarely happens.
This week Rolling Stone Magazine ran an article detailing conversations that Trump has had with a few aides as he develops campaign messaging on crime and punishment.   In those discussions Trump expressed a curiosity as to his  associates’ thoughts on some some classic forms of executions – as well as their thoughts on releasing videotapes of executions to help sell his plans to the voting public.  The videotapes would cover the executions up through the point of death – much like “snuff films.”   The classic forms of executions which Trump supposedly have been discussing include hangings, firing squads, and even the guillotine.  He is also discussing the notion of group executions, especially for drug dealers.
Additionally, according to the Rolling Stone article, Trump wants the families of drug dealers to be required to pay for the costs of their relatives’ executions – such as for the cost of any ammunition used in killing the criminals.
All-in-all, this new information reveals the emotional underpinnings of a man who also just happens to be a former President of the United States and who is currently busy seeking election to that most important position of public trust again.  Surely Trump is an aberrant reflection of American civilization and values – because if Donald Trump accurately reflects who we are as a society, then we are in the process of losing our way – and our humanity.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Death by firing squads. I remember when that was in the news. At first I didnt believe there was ANY way that could be something that was even being CONSIDERED. Are we living in a movie??!

To quickly & easily help people who dont understand narcissism, but who do have fair knowledge of Trump, we only have to use him as an example of a narcissistic human to give them clear understanding of narcissism. That's got to be one of the simplest ways to define it clearly. He is such the epitamy of narcissism.