Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Trump Obsesses While GOP All-Stars Self-Quarantine

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump would have us believe that he is a raging germaphobe - except, of course, when he is having unprotected sexual relations with a porn star.  And as a part of Trump's germaphobia, he has apparently whipped up a paranoid fantasy that journalists who travel with him are plotting to infect him with Coronavirus.  Remember Coronavirus - the "hoax" that Trump warned the country about a couple of weeks ago?

Trump, who fears falling victim to the hoax disease, is nevertheless still working the rope lines in Florida shaking hands with his fawning followers - and he is still insistent on holding his large, raucous MAGA rallies even though more responsible artists and con-artists are cancelling large public events.  Trump is apparently far more worried that an individual sinister journalist will get to him.

All of that is just a random example of the scattershot thought processes of Donald John Trump.

Yesterday it was announced that anyone with flu-like symptoms - such as coughing or sniffles - would be barred from flying aboard Air Force One.  That announcement came shortly after Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz ("Gas Mask" Gaetz) disembarked the presidential plane after catching a ride from Florida back to Washington, DC.  Within the hour Gaetz "self-quarantined" after learning that he had had contact with a person who had a confirmed case of Coronavirus.  Whoops.

(After Gaetz made a spectacle of himself last week by wearing a gas mask in the Capitol while performing his official duties, one of his constituents reportedly died from Coronavirus.)

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was held less than two weeks ago (February 26-29) at National Harbor, Maryland.  Everybody who is anybody in conservative Republican circles was there - except for Utah Senator Mitt Romney who was told to stay away.  It was learned over the weekend that one individual who attended the conference was later diagnosed with Coronavirus.

Five Republican politicians who had contact with the infected individual "self-quarantined" on Monday.  Those choosing to live in isolation while drawing their public salaries for the next ten to fourteen days include - in addition to "Gas Mask" Gaetz - Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ), Rep. Doug Collins (GA), Senator Ted Cruz (TX), and Rep. Mark Meadows (CA).  Meadows, who has been announced as Trump's next chief-of-staff, took a preliminary Coronavirus test which came back negative, but he chose to go into isolation anyway.

In addition to flying with Gaetz on Monday, Trump was also photographed last Friday shaking hands with Rep. Doug Collins at a CDC briefing on Coronavirus.

Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert reportedly also had direct contact with the infected individual, but chose not to self-quarantine.

There is a controversy brewing over the fact that CPAC is refusing to release the name of the Coronavirus carrier, choosing instead to protect his or her identity for reasons of "privacy."  Yet, some people were given the information.  Brandon Darby, a reporter for Breitbart News, tweeted this assessment of that situation:

"Good news:  if you're rich and important, you get to know you were exposed to someone with Coronavirus at CPAC. 
"Bad news:  if you're not rich and important, you don't get to know if you were exposed to someone with Coronavirus at CPAC."

One news report speculated that the infected individual visited in the "Green Room" at CPAC (the room celebrities gather in before they go on stage).  Others who "may have been" in the Green Room at the same time as the infectee include:  GOP Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, conservative commentator Michael Knowles, Heritage Foundation President Kay James, presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Rep. Louis Gohmert, "Gas Mask" Gaetz, and entertainers Diamond and Silk.

Somewhere Mitt Romney is smiling, or chuckling, or rolling on the floor laughing his Mormon ass off!

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