Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The News from 1948

by Pa Rock
Old Fart

Monday of this week I had the privilege of turning seventy-two-years-old.   Several of the friends from my youth have not been so lucky.

This spring finds us all going through challenging times, and many news reports suggest that the spreading coronavirus pandemic is especially dangerous for old people - such as myself.  I used to go to town every day at noon to run errands, but now I have cut those trips to every other day - and sometimes skip multiple days in a row.  It is difficult changing long-held routines, but I am quickly becoming aware that I have plenty to do at home to keep me busy.

My oldest son grilled steaks for my birthday, and the other two kids and their families checked in over the phone.  I am accepting of the fact that I probably won't get to see any of my grandchildren any time in the near future.  Right now this awful disease is controlling our lives, and playing by the new rules is essential for survival.

I was born in 1948 in the post World War II "baby boom."   Today I saw three coronavirus-related stories of others who were also born in 1948.  Prince Charles, the heir-apparent to the British throne (11/14/1948) has announced that he has tested positive for coronavirus and is now self-isolating.  American singer Jackson Browne (10/9/1948) has also informed the world that he has tested positive for coronavirus.

And another great American voice, James Taylor (3/12/1948), has just donated one million dollars for coronavirus relief to a Boston hospital.

And meanwhile I remain in semi-seclusion at home, steadfastly avoiding Trump's call to go to town and find a job - anything to keep the stock market off of life support.

Today Alexa and I are listening to Jackson Browne, like we do many days, and at some point we will switch over to James Taylor, like we also so many days, and we rock on among our new circumstances.  Some day the coronavirus pandemic and the Trump presidency will both be over and we can all get back to the life as it used to be, but for the time being we survive and plod ahead one day at a time.

Be smart, America, and stay safe!

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