Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Toilet Paper Wars

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

A couple of weeks ago I decided to do something nice for my grandchildren by sending their parents  some disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer.  But as I sniffed through the market sites on the internet I quickly learned that disinfectant wipes were suddenly over-priced, and hand sanitizer prices were through the roof.   I managed to buy everyone a case of the wipes (that sounds like a disease itself!) without mortgaging the farm, but the hand sanitizer was beyond my means.  (A small package of three or four bottles was selling for more than $200 on!)

The next day I went to the local Walgreen's and a "Dollar" store and found hand sanitizer in both locations.  I bought enough for my own personal needs - without hoarding.

And then a few days later I ran out of toilet paper.  (It happens!)  That afternoon while grocery shopping at my local Aldi's, I picked up a 30-pack - I always buy in bulk.  It wasn't until a day or two after that when I heard there was a toilet paper panic in progress nationwide.   A 30-pack will take care of my needs for quite awhile, and if that runs out I always have the benefit of being a paid subscriber to the West Plains Daily Quill!

Yesterday I happened to be in Walgreen's to pick up medicine, and while I was there I checked to see if the store still had hand sanitizer.  They were sold out.   Later I was shopping at Aldi's and noticed that they were out of toilet paper.  A friend who shops at Walmart told me that store was also out of toilet paper.

If people can't wipe their butts or scrub their hands with sanitizer, this whole Coronavirus thing could get ugly fast!

This might be a good time for my friends at the Quill to have a subscription sale!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

The Google tells me that several recipes are available to make hand sanitizer at home. It is a combination of aloe vera, rubbing alcohol, and essential oil. Fear not the internet will guide you; unlike the idiot in the Oval Office.