Monday, March 16, 2020

The Dirty Forty

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I feel sorry for GOP Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel as she tries to navigate between the long shadow of his famous uncle, Mitt Romney, and the enlightened elements of the Republican Party - and that squat and squalid shadow of her presumptive boss, Donald John Trump, and the coarser elements of the party.   Somehow she must keep members of both wings of the Republican Party in-line and on-message.  It has to be a very demanding job fraught with unimaginable difficulties imposed by countless political animals striving to survive in the very confusing Age of Trump.

And how exactly does one toe the party line, or get others to toe it, when the President of the United States can (and often does) change the entire national narrative with one ill-tempered tweet?

It has to be a completely thankless - and often embarrassing - job.  But still Ronna persists - or at least she did until last week when Ronna and her family went into a self-quarantine mode after the party chairwoman became ill and doctors recommended that she receive a Coronavirus test - which she promptly did.  Ms. McDaniel and several other prominent Republicans were tested last week after spending a weekend at Mar-a-Lago as part of Donald Trump's entourage.  A couple of international guests at Trump's "resort" have tested positive for Coronavirus since the conclusion of the weekend party.

Ms. Romney developed symptoms that were in line with Coronavirus and went to her local hospital for evaluation.  The test was administered, and so far the results aren't known - or at least thy have not been released to the general public.

I wish her well.

Yesterday GOP Chairwoman McDaniel took to Twitter to reassure America's hourly wage earners - our working poor - that they, too, would be alright.  She said:

"If you're an hourly wage earner in America, you need not be concerned about staying home.  If you're sick, stay home.  You're not going to miss a paycheck because of this legislation that's moving through the Congress."
McDaniel was referring to the Coronavirus relief bill that was supported by the Trump administration and passed the House of Representatives late Saturday night.   The Senate will take up the measure on Monday when it returns from a long weekend away from the Capitol.  The legislation, HR 6201, contains a provision for free Coronavirus testing for all Americans.  Additionally workers at some businesses would receive 14 paid sick days which would be refunded to their employers through tax cuts, and some would receive up to three months of paid emergency sick leave.  Also, the legislation would provide for free food to children whose schools were closed by the health crisis.

Republicans were able to exclude some small businesses from the requirements for paid sick leave for employees.

While HR 6201 is good legislation that will help alleviate the displacement and pain caused by the pandemic,  it is not the panacea that Ronna McDaniel portrayed in her tweet.   Many workers will miss paychecks if they are unable to go to work.  The legislation needs to be improved.

The Senate will hopefully pass the measure and get it on to Trump's desk so that it may be signed and implemented immediately.  Some senators are already pushing forward with the old fraud that the best measure would be to give more tax breaks to employers up front and then the benefits could "trickle down" to workers.

Not surprisingly, even with an endorsement from Treasury Secretary Mnuchin who was speaking for Trump prior to the House vote, forty House members still voted against the emergency relief measure.  Those forty, who should forever more caucus in Congress as the "Dirty Forty," included thirty-nine good old GOP white guys and one good old GOP white gal - a very representative collection for Republican Party House members.

They are (alphabetical by last name):

Brian Babin (TX-36),  Jim Banks (IN-03),  Andy Biggs (AZ-05) (Rep. Biggs bought his way into politics after winning $10 million in the American Family Sweepstakes),  Dan Bishop (NC-09),  Ken Buck (CO-09) (Rep. Buck is a nationally known gun nut),  Ted Budd (NC-13),  Tim Burchett (TN-02),  Bradley Byrne (AL-01),  Ben Cline (VA-06),  and  Michael Cloud (TX-27).

Warren Davidson (OH-08),  Scott DesJarlais (TN-04) (Politico Magazine once called Rep. DesJarlais the "biggest hypocrite" in Congress after it was revealed that he supported two abortions by his ex-wife and one by a woman he was dating),  Jeff Duncan (SC-03),  Tom Emmer (MN-06),  Russ Fulcher (ID-01),  Mike Gallagher (WI-08), Louie Gohmert (TX-01) (Rep. Gohment has been hailed by some left-of-center internet publications as "the dumbest member of Congress),  Lance Gooden (TX-05),  Mark Green (TN-07),  and  Glenn Grothman (WI-06).

Kevin Hern (OK-01),  Jody Hice  (GA-10),  Jim Jordan  (OH-04)  (Rep. Jordan has been criticized for failure to report sexual abuse of student athletes at Ohio State University when he was on staff there),  Steve King (IA-05)  (Rep. King has been the subject of numerous complaints over statements he has made which some regard as racist), Debbie Lesko (AZ-08), Billy Long (MO-07),  Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Tom McClintock (CA-04),  Alex Mooney (WV-02),  and  Ralph Norman ((SC-05).

John W. Rose (TN-06),  Chip Roy (TX-21),  Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-05) (Rep. Sensenbrenner is the 2nd most senior member of the House - having served 40 years - and is not seeking re-election this fall),  Jason Smith (MO-08) (Rep, Smith is my representative in Congress.  He has had his picture taken with most of the cows and large pieces of farm equipment in his rural district, but consistently refuses to meet with constituents in public forums),  Brian Steil (WI-01) (Rep. Steil has former Speaker Paul Ryan's old seat in Congress),  Greg Steube (FL-17),  William Timmons (SC-09),  Michael Waltz (FL-06),  Randy Weber (TX-14) (Rep. Weber represents Ron Paul's old district),  and  Joe "You Lie!" Wilson (SC-02).

Taken in total, these forty are an angry group of parched souls who apparently think Americans should be free to catch any disease they damned well please without interference from the government.  As Ronna McDaniel struggles to put a human face on the Republican Party, she has to not only worry about not offending Trump and his fragile ego, she also has to constantly look over her shoulder and keep an eye on the troglodytes in her party who think of no one but themselves.

It's not an enviable task, and, to make matters worse, she is ill.

Get well, Ronna.  Your party needs you - whether they realize it or not.

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