Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Aunt Mary Unloads

by Pa Rock
Proud Nephew

I have written about my sweet Aunt Mary in this space before.  She is a sprightly 94-years-old and still zips in and out of traffic in rush-hour San Diego like she owns the roads.  And she undoubtedly feels that she does own them because Aunt Mary has lived in San Diego since the start of World War II and probably knows more of the city's history and secrets than any history professor at UC San Diego.

Aunt Mary used to be a model at department store fashion shows in the San Diego area, and even at ninety-four she is still a California blonde with stunning good looks.  I try to get out to see her every couple of years or so.  Aunt Mary lives alone, but she has two adult daughters, my cousins Janet and Linda, in the area who check on her regularly.

I called Aunt Mary a few days ago to see how she is weathering this national health crisis.  She said that she has found the perfect time of day to visit her local market - when it is least busy - and she always remembers to wash her hands any time she has been out and about.    At some point in our conversation the subject arose of how long the isolation routine in California would remain in effect, and she lamented that it would probably last for months.

I chimed in that our government was talking a much shorter time frame - and she equated "our government" with Donald Trump and almost reached through the phone to slap some sense into me.  "Rocky," she snapped, "You can't believe a word that man says!  Not a single word!"

"Yes, ma'am,"  I stammered back.  I knew better than to question the knowledge of that particular elder - and I knew she was right!

We all love you, Aunt Mary.  Rock on!

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