Wednesday, March 20, 2019

According to George Conway: Trump. Is. Nuts.

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump has spent the last several days railing against a television show, a dead senator, and the spouse of one of his senior advisers.  All three of these public feuds appear to be little more than vanity-fueled vendettas and attempts to shout down his critics.

Saturday Night Live has been skewering Presidents since the program first aired in the 1970's and Chevy Chase routinely opened the show as Jerry Ford falling down - and while some occupants of the Oval Office probably did not appreciate being the butt of SNL jokes, none has ever taken it so personally that they felt compelled  to air their grievances with the show in public.  None, that is, until Donald Trump.    Trump, a narcissist who doesn't seem to appreciate or understand humor, especially when it is directed at him, is so perturbed at Saturday Night Live that he is suggesting that the program should be investigated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The FCC licenses and oversees the use of the public airwaves - but it is not a personal policing agency of the nation's chief executive - just as the Attorney General is not the President's personal lawyer.   Donald Trump seems to see many officers of the executive branch as being little more than his private staff.

This week Trump also managed to ramp up his continuing attacks of Senator John McCain - a man who died last August.  Stating that he is still angry at McCain because he kept Congress from being able to repeal Obamacare, Trump also managed to hurl a few personal insults at the late senator as well, including a lie that McCain was last in his graduating class at the Naval Academy.  One lone Republican senator, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, went out on a limb and rebuked Trump for his attacks on McCain, but the late Arizona senator's best friend in the Senate, South Carolina's Lindsey Graham, stayed shamefully silent.

Just today, in fact, Trump spent five minutes at a campaign-style event lambasting McCain, the fourth such personal attack in the last five days.

Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader in the Senate, is twisting Trump's tail by promoting a plan to rename the Russell Senate Office Building for John McCain, a long-serving Republican senator and also an American war hero.  If Trump remains true to his nature, he will raise holy hell when the Senate does anything to honor the memory of one of its most memorable members.

Finally Donald Trump has been consumed with generating personal attack on George Conway, the husband of Trump senior advisor Kedllyanne Conway.  George Conway has been a very vocal critic of Trump, often airing complaints about Trump over Twitter.   Today Trump shot back with this response:

"George Conway, often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife's success & angry that I, with her help, didn't give him the job he so desperately wanted. I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!"

(If there is one thing of which Donald Trump might have a substantial knowledge, it could well be  "husbands from hell!")

George Conway, who calls them as he sees them, shot back a tweet implying that Donald Trump has a narcissistic personality disorder - and followed that up with this gem directed at Donald Trump:

"You.  Are.  Nuts."

Surely one of these days not too remote, Saturday Night Live will be hosted by George Conway or Meghan McCain, or better yet, both!  That ought to get the drones airborne!

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