Friday, March 15, 2019

America's Tin-Pot Dictator

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

During the 2016 presidential campaign, back when Donald Trump and most of America assumed he would lose, Trump was busy posturing that his defeat would be due to a rigged election.  Trump is a textbook example of a poor loser.   And then, after an extremely close election in which he lost the popular vote, he began casting aspersions on the vote count and  bellowing about how he had won one of the biggest electoral victories in history - so he doesn't win well either.

When Donald Trump is feeling down or knocked around, he responds with bravado and threats.  He is a bully to his core.

In the past couple of weeks Trump has had to endure the international embarrassment of a failed summit with the dictator of North Korea, the agony of watching his former lawyer sorting all of the Trump family's dirty laundry before Congress, and a Congressional rebuke of his declaration of a national emergency along the southern border.  Add to that the increasing chatter that Robert Mueller is wrapping up his investigation and preparing to issue more indictments just as the New York state investigation of Trump business dealings is kicking into high gear, and the increasing positive press that Democrats seeking Trump's job are getting - and, well . . . something's bound to blow!

Earlier this week America's pre-eminent bully cut loose with a beaut of a threat.  In an interview with the ultra-rightwing Breitbart News, Donald John dropped this not-so-subtle warning about what to expect from his hardcore supporters if things start to not go his way:

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump. I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
Then, just to make certain that his remarks reached the widest audience possible, Trump tweeted a link to Breitbart's homepage.

If things start to head south for Donald Trump, say in the courts or at the polls, he still has the backing of the police, our nation's military, and Bikers for Trump.  Trump will prevail even if democracy does not.  That folks, is a threat worthy of the sleaziest of dictators.  It might resonate well is some "shithole" third-world country, but this is the United States of America.  Our leaders are elected and serve with the consent of the governed.  They are maintained in office through ballots, and not by threats of force by armed gestapo or morons on motorcycles.

Democracy obviously does not suit Donald Trump.

(According to the on-line reference tool, Wikitionary, a "tin-pot dictator" is an autocratic ruler with little political credibility, but with delusions of grandeur.)

That shoe fits.

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