Sunday, March 3, 2019

Donald John has Lost His Way

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The annual CPAC convention - a mid-winter gathering of neo-Nazi's, white-supremacists, evangelical nut-burgers, psycho hillbillies,  extremist Republicans, and other malodorous malcontents - hosted its main act in the center ring yesterday.  Donald Trump, the star attraction, gave a two-hour, rambling discourse, a speech that bounced around to such an extent that some were concerned that it might have been Adderol-inspired.  Trump commenced his act by hugging the American flag that was on the stage, and then diving into a lengthy and somewhat deranged attack on his enemies, people like Robert Mueller and two Muslim members of Congress, while giving himself credit for policies that appealed to the greed and bloodlust of his rabidly conservative audience.

The imagery of the red-faced, plump Trump with his arms wrapped around the flag somehow got me to thinking of the Seven Deadly Sins, a list of moral failings that originated in the deserts of the Middle East several millennia ago.  The "sins" aren't specific acts, like the commandments that Moses brought down from God, but they are rather conditions of man which, if not curbed, will lead to specific actions that the God of Moses opposed.

First among the deadly sins was Pride.  Donald Trump hugging that flag was an attempt to draw attention to himself, not to the flag.  Trump's whole life in fact, has been a rolling reality show in which he was the star and constantly demanded the attention of others.  Marriages, affairs, divorces, society columns, television shows, buildings bearing his name - it's all self-serving pride.  Hug that flag, Donald, but make sure the cameras can see your face when you do it.

The second deadly sin is Greed.   A person who would use money from a "charity" to fund an oil portrait of himself is greedy - and prideful.

Lust is the third item on the list.  Donald Trump wants what he wants, and he figures out ways to get what he wants:  exotic wives, porn stars, Russian hookers, beauty contestants, young girls, recognition, attention, cheeseburgers.  He was blessed with enough inherited wealth to secure whatever his heart lusted after - and if he doesn't have the personal wealth to cover what he desires - such as a big vanity wall along the southern border, he has no qualms about using our money instead.

Envy is fourth.  When Trump ran up against people whose lives he secretly envied, he took the old schoolyard bully approach of trying to tear those people down.   Barack Obama was light years above Donald Trump in things like intellect and temperament and character, so Trump began tearing him down with false claims about the circumstances of his birth and random complaints about his work performance and enjoyment of playing golf.  And a lot of Trump's continuing rage toward Hillary Clinton is undoubtedly rooted in the fact that she is, at her core, a better person than he is.

The fifth deadly sin is Gluttony.  Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger!  Trump's penchant for fast food and his increasing obesity both bear witness to his surrender to gluttony.  Along with that also comes his desire to be surrounded by beautiful women and golden baubles.

Wrath is sixth, and Donald's famous wrath was on full display yesterday when he called the Mueller investigation "bullshit" before the roaring crowd - and when he talked about some members of Congress hating "our" country.  Enrage and divide!  Trump throws tantrums about immigrants from "shithole" countries, our NATO partners, and even his own cabinet members.  On the rare times that he is working, he is often raging about something.

And speaking of the rare times that Donald Trump actually works at his elected job, the last of the seven deadly sins is Sloth.   Some White House functionary let word leak a few weeks ago that Trump spends approximately two-thirds of each workday in "executive" time, which amounts to watching television or napping.  He has also spent more time on the golf course that any chief executive in our nation's history.

Anyone could easily argue that Donald Trump has fallen victim to all seven of the "deadly sins," repeatedly and with malice aforethought.  But he has also done a number on a majority of the Ten Commandments.

Donald Trump's primary God is money - and sex is likely second, both of which fly in the face of God's Commandment through Moses that mankind should put no other Gods before him - the real God.  I will admit to never hearing Trump take God's name in vain, so he may be in the clear on the Second Commandment.

Commandment Three instructs us to keep the Sabbath Holy.  The minister of a New York church where Trump was registered is on record as saying that Trump never set foot inside of the church to which he claimed to be a member, but he does seem to enjoy as much holy golf as he can squeeze in on a weekend.

Trump seems to have been respectful of his parents, so he can probably skate on the Fourth Commandment, and I have no specific knowledge of him ever killing anyone, so the Fifth Commandment may get a pass as well - although as a slumlord and the son of a slumlord, it is not too far-fetched to posit that some actions he took could have resulted in harm to others.  God will know.

Commandment Six says that we must not commit adultery.  Film at eleven.

Commandment Seven forbids stealing, again a Trump practice so commonplace that he probably would not waste the effort to throw up a false defense.  Trump is well known for cheating lawyers, business partners, and the contractors and sub-contractors who service his properties.  He also has profited from using illegal immigrants on his properties and paying them sub-par wages - thus stealing from the poor whom he later vilifies for political gain.  And then there was his fake charitable foundation which stole from donors - and the fake Trump University which stole from its students.

The Eighth Commandment talks about lying - or bearing false witness.    Trump lies so often and with such ease that fact-checkers are challenged in trying to keep up with him.  If he is speaking, some of what he is saying is almost certain to be untrue.

The Ninth Commandment deals with Lust, which is also one of the Seven Deadly Sins.  Again, Donald Trump openly lusts after exotic women and baubles associated with material wealth.  He also craves attention to the point that he would walk onto a stage and wrap his flabby arms around a flag.

The final Commandment deals with coveting, and in particular coveting a neighbor's wife.   Donald Trump is, by his very nature, a covetous person.   He seeks out and acquires things that catch his fancy, people or trinkets, and he seems to relish the delusion that what he acquires can be his forever - that he can take it all with him if he ever has to go.

At some point he will move on, whether he intends to on not - and if there is an afterlife awaiting Donald, I heartily encourage him to prance out onto that stage and behave in the same manner that he has here on earth for his entire wasted lifetime.  That audience is not likely to be as impressed as the goobers were at CPAC!

Donald John Trump is a person who was dealt a winning hand at birth and spent a lifetime playing it badly.   Yes, he is a racist, conman and s cheat as his former lawyer stated before Congress, but he is so much more than that.  He is greedy, uncharitable, and enjoys defaming and humiliating others.   Donald Trump is a completely odious individual, a person who is comfortable mocking the handicapped  and bragging about sexually abusing women - and America's "good" Christians can't get enough of him!

What does that say about them?

Donald, what if it's about more that making money and accumulating things?  What if it's about character as defined by moral codes like the Seven Deadly Sins and the Ten Commandments.  If being a good person is the ultimate determination of our success in life, you, Donald, are failing - bigly!

Donald John has lost his way, and because of that we all must suffer the consequences of his incompetent, self-serving, and corrupt administration.

It's so very unfair.

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