Monday, March 25, 2019

Back in the Midwest

by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

I made it back to Kansas City late this evening and Rosie was ecstatic to see me.  She has done her happy dance almost continuously ever since I arrived at the home of the Roeland Park Macy's!

Two flights today - Portland to Salt Lake City, and the Salt Lake City to Kansas City.  The trip was so much easier before the airlines did away with the two KC-Portland nonstops!  I had a three-hour layover in Salt Lake which would have been plenty of time to complete today's blog, but for some reason I could not get connected to the airport's wifi.  So for anyone who was looking for my musings earlier in the day - mea culpa!

The only thing of consequence that I encountered in today's travels was seeing all of the flooded farmland in eastern Kansas as our plane was making its descent into Kansas City, Missouri.  Wide swaths of farmland near the major rivers were underwater, making much of the area resemble large lakes from the sky.

Today was actually a good day to be on the road because I had no opportunity to listen to Blowhard Trump's vindication bravado.  I actually don't think he was "cleared" of anything and am hopeful that the great state of New York will eventually send him to prison where he can be reunited with the basest of his base.

I hope that all of the Democratic candidates can remain optimistic and will spend the next year-and-a-half bombarding the airwaves with ideas and challenges to make the United States a better place for all of us.  We need to be looking to the skies in order to realize just how low Trump has brought us - and fie on any Democrats who are too timid or cowardly to embrace positive changes that our society so desperately needs!

It's time to move past the greed and dishonesty of the Trump administration and begin focusing on changes that will benefit all Americans - and not just the privileged few!

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