Sunday, December 2, 2018

Judah Is Nine and Mighty Fine!

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

My grandson, Judah, was born nine years ago today in the state of Oregon, the place that is still his home.  I was living in Arizona at the time, and we met at the end of the month when we were both in Missouri for my father's funeral.  At the time of Dad's passing he had three great-grandchildren by me, all boys - and three great-grandchildren by my sister, all girls.   Judah was the youngest of the lot.  Dad knew about Judah and had seen his picture, but sadly, they never got to meet.

Judah is an energetic and happy child.  One moment he can be going full-steam-ahead, and the next he has come to a full-stop and is poring over a book about some natural phenomena like volcanoes or tornadoes.  He has an affinity for cars and is a dedicated fan of all of the "Cars" movies.

Judah is also interested in the mechanics of how things work.  A few years ago I stood enthralled watching him work levers and pulleys at a construction site at a children's science museum in Portland.  When he sees something complex occurring, he wants to observe it and figure out how it functions.   I suspect that his curiosity and desire to master his surroundings will lead Judah to happiness and success in life.

All of that - and he gives great hugs!

Happy birthday, Judah.  I will see you soon!

1 comment:

molly. said...

He had a great birthday! One of his favorite gifts was an Angry Birds Star Wars Jenga Death Star game. It has served as hours of entertainment. And books.. of course.. he got many books. He loves books as much as you do!