Sunday, December 16, 2018

A Dirty Bird Goes Shopping

by Pa Rock
Defender of Birds

"Alexa, order a quart of Rocky Road, a pound of sunflower seeds, a basket of fruit - and put on some dance music!"

It's as easy as that.  Just a sentence or two, and the order is placed with Amazon - and the dance music starts.   A problem exists with the fact that Alexa will take orders from anyone, and not just the person who happens to own the particular device.  If an account is set up with the retailer, anyone with a clear voice can place an order - even a mischievous parrot!

Rocco, an African Grey parrot, was recently booted from an animal sanctuary in England due to his penchant for salty language.  One of the workers at the sanctuary felt sorry for the expelled bird and took him home with her.   But Rocco couldn't stay out of trouble, even in his new digs.

Rocco is a very bright parrot, and it did not take him long to make friends with his new landlady's Alexa.  Before long he was chatting up Alexa and ordering snacks from Amazon.  He also bought some items that caught his interest but were inedible - including light bulbs and a kite - and had her tell him jokes and read stories.

Soon, however, Rocco's nefarious acts were discovered - probably when the surprise orders began showing up - and the party was over.

Now Rocco's owner, who reports that she often comes home and finds him dancing to music that he has asked Alexa to play, says that she always checks her Amazon orders daily - and cancels the things that Rocco has ordered.

One suspects that Rocco may have had something colorful to say about that turn of events!

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