Sunday, December 9, 2018

Come On Mueller, Make My Christmas!

by Pa Rock
A Kid at Christmas

The holiday season is traditionally a time of merriment and frivolity as youngsters fret about what Santa may or may not leave under the Christmas tree, blended families go through temporary realignments, meals are planned, airports are visited, budgets are blown, and dinner is served.  The season, aside from its obvious connection to religion, is also a maelstrom of shopping, wrapping, unwrapping, feasting, bowl games, and preparing to make returns - all comfortably bound in a warm blanket of holiday cheer.

If there is one component of the holiday season that tends to bring it all together, to me that would be anticipation - the building crescendo of holiday music, store displays, special programs, decorations, and finally the fevered family activity that comes with the annual preparations for the holidays.  Trees and lights go up, packages get wrapped, turkeys get stuffed and shoved into ovens, and doorbells ring as loved ones and guests begin to arrive.  That is the scene we have been anticipating for months, and now it has arrived!

Over the past few years I have not been located close to family, and I slowly began to realign the way that I did the holidays - sending out a few cards and ordering most gifts over the internet with two-day home delivery - a pattern that, though fitting my lifestyle, was not very personal.  Anticipation of the holidays, on my part, showed a significant decrease in occurrence and intensity.

But now, with almost daily teasers coming out of the office of Special Council Robert Mueller regarding his investigations into Russian involvement in the 2016 elections and the possible collusion of the Trump family with those Russian efforts, I find my holiday anticipation once again building.  Every day I wake up wondering if this will be the day when it all hits the fan.  Will today be the day when the indictments fly and the conversations switch from will Trump be forced out of office to when will he go.

I was a young adult during Watergate, and I know that there is a tipping point out there somewhere, a place in the national dialogue where it all begins rushing from if to when - and I suspect we will reach that point rather quickly after Mueller makes his report and indictments against members of the Trump family begin to be issued.

Right now a monstrous flood of deceit and corruption is being held at bay by  a rickety old dam, a barrier that is plugged by dozens of bejeweled fingers of the Trump family and their corrupt enablers.   But that dam is fixing to burst and wash a whole lot of vermin out to sea.  It's coming - it's coming soon - and I can hardly wait!

The anticipation is killing me!

Come on Mueller - make my Christmas!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

You may have to wait until after the Feast of the Epiphany for your, well, epiphany. Just saying. Next year that is January 6th. The 116th Congress convenes on January 3, 2019. Are the stars are aligning for the arrival of the wise ones to reveal the onset of a year of Justice?