Monday, December 3, 2018

Democratic House Looks Like America

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

With all but one (North Carolina CD 09) of the 2018 congressional races now decided, not only has the Democratic Party scored a major victory with a gain of forty seats, the new Democrats coming to Congress represent the most diverse group ever elected to that law-making body.   And even though the party's senior House leadership is old enough to be mistaken for a group of escapees from a local nursing home, even they are diverse in gender and race with one white woman, a white man, and a black man.

DailyKos today published an extensive spreadsheet listing and analyzing all members of the House.  One of the most fascinating aspects of that analysis centered on the diversity of the House members.  Just 36% of the Democratic members of the next House of Representatives identify as heterosexual white men - while 89% of Republicans see themselves as heterosexual white men.

There will be no black Republican females in the new Congress, nor any Trump-loving Native Americans, and nary a single GOP lesbian kick-boxer.  The Republican standard representative will continue to be a stodgy old white man who boasts of his distrust of the government that he serves, is focused on making money, and is dismissive of the rights and needs of minorities and the poor.  One side of the aisle in the House will look like real America, and the other side will more closely resemble their grandfathers.

Of course not everything will wash out as originally reported, and if Republican history is any indicator, at least a few of those stiff-collared old white guys will be busted for licentious sexual behavior - and not necessarily with females - before the next term is over.   Old white dudes will be old white dudes, after all - and there is no one more entitled than them!

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