Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve at the Roost

by Pa Rock
Typing Fool

It's Christmas Eve, 2018, and Pa Rock is sitting in front of the living room window banging out his blog.  It appears to be a beautiful day outside, sunny - and, according to Alexa, forty-one degrees.  She said that today's high temperature should reach fifty-two.  Global warming isn't so bad, just wear a hat and slather on plenty of sunscreen!

Rosie has finished her morning nap early today and is nosing around the house looking for clever ways to misbehave.  She has an office under the couch where she naps and stores all of her treasures, but now she is out and on the prowl.  

I am down to just one red hen and one red rooster.  Right now they are digging through the leaves on the ground underneath the window where I am working.  I can't see them, but Big Boy is doing his crowing and it's coming through loud and clear.  In a bit I will go out and feed them and the cats some pieces of bread, and then I will scatter some dry cat food on the ground which the chickens will help clean up.  It is a morning routine that we all love.  When I open the back door in about thirty minutes, the hen, the rooster, and all three cats will come running.

I have concluded my Christmas shopping, I think, and although I encourage people to shop with local merchants - and not from evil Walmart - I do most of mine on line.  I don't like being jostled around in stores by customers who are more rude than me, and I cannot abide standing in lines.  "Free shipping" and "two-day delivery" are the siren songs that get me through the hell of the holidays.  I'm also big on the impersonal act of sending checks.

So, it's Christmas Eve and Rosie and I are celebrating at home where we are each happy in the knowledge that we are in good company!

May your holidays be as merry as ours!

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