Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tim to the Rescue

by Pa Rock
Proud Papa

My youngest, Tim, has always had an uncanny ability to know when I am over-extended, swamped, or in need some moral support. He called tonight just as I was wallowing in self-pity over not having any prospective buyers on my mobile home, and he quickly made me send him a photo and some information for a Craig's List ad.

I know the proper dynamic is for parents to take care of their kids, but damn it feels good when they occasionally step in and give me a hand!

My attitude is getting better. I have just been dealing with this big overseas move for too long, living in an empty house with a crabby cat for too long, and tripping over half-filled suitcases for too long! Soon I will fly away from this madness and things will settle back down.

Beginning a story is much more fun than closing one out!

Tim's ad may be viewed here:

Please share it with any Phoenix friends!

1 comment:

molly. said...

I put the word out to my Phoenix homeys. :)