Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mrs. Brewer Goes to Washington

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Our mystified governor, Jan Brewer, has flown this sandy, flea-ridden coop and is this evening kicked back in some expensive hotel in Washington, DC, (on the Arizona taxpayers' dime) awaiting a personal meeting tomorrow with President Obama. At that meeting she will request (some local reporters use the word "demand") more federal assistance in guarding our border with Mexico. Governor Brewer is righteously livid that so many undocumented housekeepers and gardeners are brazenly walking across the Sonoran Desert to take jobs that should rightfully go to lazy, white Arizonans.

One would hope that Jan stays in her room tonight polishing the remarks that she will make to the President tomorrow. It is true that we only get one chance to make a good first impression, and the last time Mr. Obama was in Arizona a group of our local boneheads showed up armed outside of his rally. Those goobers made a fine impression, you betcha they did!

One would also hope that the President is cordial to our governor. She is, after all, a confused old woman who can't even remember how or when her own father died. She recently said that her dad died fighting Nazis in World War II. Turns out he died in the mid 1950's - a decade after the war ended - of natural causes.

If President Obama decides to throw the full force of our military behind a national emergency, that emergency needs to be the mess that BP, Transocean, and Halliburton is making in the Gulf of Mexico. That is a real crisis - not the Chicken Little crap that Jan and Joe and Russell and John want to foist on America as the be-all and end-all of western civilization.

Enjoy your day in the spotlight, Jan, and then get your shabby old carcass back to Arizona and begin doing some real work on important stuff - like passing a tough tax package and getting our teachers and state employees back to work.

If somebody needs to be laid off for budgetary reasons, might I suggest that we begin with the state legislature?

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