Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Civil Rights Are Busting Out All Over!

by Pa Rock
Serious Civil Libertarian

The rights of gay couples to marry are spreading faster than the Mormon Church or Focus on the Family can organize to quash them. Four days ago the Iowa Supreme Court voted unanimously that it was unconstitutional, at least in Iowa, not to allow gay couples to be united in marriage. Today the Vermont legislature overrode a veto by their Republican governor and set up the first same-sex marriage law in the nation that was actually passed by a legislature. There are now four states where gays have the same rights to marry as straights: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, and Vermont - with more to follow!

Vermont has no residency requirement for marriage. Any adult couple who can find their way into the state can legally marry.

Gay marriages were legal in California a few months back, but the above mentioned organizations poured millions of dollars and thousands of lies into the state in a barely successful attempt to repeal that right through a constitutional amendment. California, which is often the national leader on progressive issues, will defeat the carpetbaggers in an upcoming election - have no doubt of that!

Also this week, the city council of Washington, DC, voted unanimously to recognize gay marriages that have been legally performed in other places. Watch the conservative boneheads in Congress go apoplectic over that and take action to overrule the will of the city's duly elected governing body. Statehood for DC!

I saw a poll on the internets today that showed older voters are the group most opposed to gay marriage in this country, and those most supportive of the issue are the younger voters. In fact the percentages between the oldest and youngest groups nearly mirrored each other perfectly. It would appear that the anger and vitriol on this issue is gradually slipping through the cemetery gates and into history.

A generation or two ago the big fight was about not allowing interracial marriage. If the races mixed in the marriage bed, the bigots bellowed, society would degenerate into chaos and civilization would end. The world didn't spin out of control as states began to recognize the rights of interracial couples to marry, and today our country is starting to reemerge as a respected world power thanks to the leadership of a man who is the product of an interracial union. Most people, especially the young among us, have come to realize that color should not be permitted to limit whom we may love.

The know-nothings were wrong about the evils of interracial marriage, and they are wrong about the "dangers" of gay marriage. Our young people are open-minded and comfortable in the modern world. They will fashion a society that makes sense to them.

America is a better place when it recognizes and celebrates its diversity!

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