Friday, April 28, 2023

Trump Is Too Damned Old to be President!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I am 75-years old, and this much I know:  I am no longer at the top of my game.  In fact, I am relatively certain that my game peaked somewhere in my forties, or perhaps early fifties. And I strongly suspect that as far as aging and the decline of mental acuity and general health go, I am basically similar to most other elderly individuals.

That's right, I said "elderly."  Seventy-five is elderly, and so is 76, and so is eighty.  When one is elderly their bones are more brittle and tend to break more easily.  (I am currently recovering from my second broken arm in the last three years.)    Also, the minds of old people are more apt to wander - sometimes to galaxies far, far away.  An elderly person can be in seemingly perfect health one evening, and wake up the next morning seriously impaired, physically or mentally.  Sudden onslaughts of medical problems occur all. the time, and they are usually just regarded as circumstances of "life" and not that surprising.  Just wheel Grandpa into the Home and life goes on.

But when those standard medical setbacks occur and the victims are individuals who have clung to positions of power in our society, their maladies can become society's maladies.  Leaders who cling to power for reasons of ego and vanity place those who are being led at unnecessary risk.

Not to speak ill of the dead, and I, for one certainly loved Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but her decision not to leave the Court in a timely manner contributed to the rise of the fascist panel that controls the Judiciary Branch of our government today. And now Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who will be ninety in less than two months and is obviously suffering impairments related to age, has been off of work for a couple of months due to a case of shingles, and her absence is stalling a Democratic President's ability to get literate and competent federal judges appointed to the bench.

It almost seems like age and ego increase in tandem.

But my intent today is to talk about the presidency, and in particular, to discuss why Donald Trump is too old to serve another term in the White House.  Trump will be 77 in less than two months.  If he were to slop into a second term in 2024, he would be 78 at the time of his election and inauguration - and, if he could control his morbid obesity and any other related health issues for four more years, he would leave office at the age of eighty-two.  Trump, like myself and everyone else in their seventies and eighties, has not been at the top of his game for at least a quarter-of-a-century, and he will not become smarter, more mentally alert, healthier, or even more humane if the laurel wreath of power is once again placed atop his highly-lacquered and combed-over head.

Let's run the numbers and get some historical perspective on age and the presidency:

George Washington was our first President.  He took office on April 30th, 1789, at the age of fifty-seven.  As of today, 45 individuals have served as President of the United States (counting Grover Cleveland only one time).  Of those,  11 assumed the office while in their 40's, 22 assumed the office while in their 50's, 10 assumed the office while in their 60's, and only two - the most recent two - took office in their 70's.    (To be absolutely fair, Ronald Reagan was just 17 days shy of his 70th birthday when he was inaugurated.)

Clearly, elderly people serving as President of the United States is a recent phenomenon.

Another way of looking at age as a factor in the presidency is through measures of central tendency.  US Presidents on the day they first assumed the office have ranged in age from 42 to 78, with the mean (average) age being just over 55 years.   The median age, or the central age if they were all listed in a line from oldest to youngest, would also be 55 years, and the mode, or most common age in the range, would be 51 and 54, with five hits each.   The two in their 70's would be obvious outliers.

In an attempt to tie age to effectiveness, I asked ChatGPT to list the five best US Presidents.  After a disclaimer about not possessing any personal opinions or biases,  the Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot said that based on various factors such as their achievements, leadership skills, and impact on the nation, the following are "widely regarded as among the best":  (I added their ages at assuming office following each name in parentheses.)

George Washington        (57)
Abraham Lincoln           (52)              
Franklin D. Roosevelt    (51)
Theodore Roosevelt        (42)
Thomas Jefferson            (57)

Then I asked ChatGPT to list the five worst US Presidents.  Again there was a disclaimer about the AI service not having personal opinions or biases, and then it provided a list of five who are "widely regarded as being among the worst based on various factors such as their failures, controversies, and negative impact on the nation.  They were:

James Buchanan        (65)
Andrew Johnson        (56)
Richard Nixon            (56)
Warren G. Harding    (55)
Franklin Pierce            (48)

Although I am no longer competent to perform statistical analyses (that ability has faded with advanced age), I did find it somewhat supportive that the group of "best" Presidents averaged over four years younger than the group of "worst" Presidents (51.8 years vs 56 years).

There are several reasons why Donald John Trump should never again reside at the White House, some of which are being litigated as I type, but certainly his advanced age is reason enough by itself.   Donald Trump is too damned old to be President, and it goes without saying that anyone who is older than him is also too old to be burdened with the responsibilities of running a nation.

Park those egos and go play golf - for your own health as well as for the health of the nation!


Xobekim said...

First, I think your sentence "Also, the minds of old people are more apt to wander - sometimes to galaxies far, far away" is well grounded in Scripture.

Joel 2:28 says "28 Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions."

This is repeated in Acts 2:17: “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."

For me the age of Presidential candidates is less a concern than is competency. Four years ago, I foolishly thought that genuine Republicans would fight for the heart and soul of their party. Instead, they have largely shown themselves willing to support racism, sedition, and insurrection. When the law comes to impose justice on wealthy white men, Republicans are soft on crime and scream for defunding the FBI and DOJ.

Four years ago, I thought Joe Biden would me a one term President as Republicans saw the error of their ways. But no, the real Republican is apparently a fiction, perhaps a fiction written by the writers over at FOXNews. Real Republicans don't exist. Nature, even political nature, abhors a vacuum. Radicalized Republicans, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, science-deniers, and corporate vultures seeking to privatize schools, roads, and all things they can buy for cheap and charge ungodly high prices for have filled that vacuum.

The question Americans should always ask when deciding who going to get their vote for President is who is the candidate's team?

If the choice comes down to Trump challenging Biden, and he can do that in case he is in prison - Eugene V, Debs did, then look at the teams. Trump's team brought us permanent tax cuts for the rich, blatantly racist policies at our Southern border. Trump did not create jobs. Trump exacerbated COVID19. His team actually threw away the book Obama's team left on how to respond to a pandemic. Trump's team managed to get SCOTUS packed with persons who lied to Senators during their confirmation process.

Biden's team has put the damper on COVID19, with the help of vaccines developed under Trump. Where Trump said inject bleach, Biden said take the vaccine. I just had my fifth shot. The policies at the Southern border remain harsh, more Democrats in the House and Senate will fix that. Comprehensive immigration reform will fix Social Security if we elect more Democrats to the House and Senate. Unemployment is low under Biden, the economy is slowing down under the higher interest rates imposed by the Fed. Where the rubber hits the road, literally, is infrastructure. Infrastructure was a joke under Trump, it is a reality under Biden. And that means high paying American jobs that can't be shipped overseas will strengthen the economy for years to come.

But America needs to wise up. If they plan to vote like a Kansan on abortion issues, then they can't vote like a Kansan and elect Republicans like Kris Kobach. Radicalized Republicans have gerrymandered their seats, picked their voters, and must be voted out by women, by youth who are sick and tired of getting gunned down at school and by old guys like you and me.

Elect the team you like. Elect state and federal legislators who will protect women and schoolchildren. Americans who covet guns more than they love schoolchildren should vote Republican, less sinful Americans are invited to vote Democratic.

p.s. Abortion wasn't a sin until televangelist Jerry Falwell said it was. Give me that old time religion, not a theology cut and pasted together to rebut a SCOTUS opinion.

Anonymous said...

My goodness! Well said gentlemen. I always thought we were all smarter than the average bears. However, never in my wildest dreams did I envision Robin (that’s you, Box) quoting scripture to support a point!