Friday, April 14, 2023

Triggerfest 2023

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist 

More that 70,000 members of the National Rifle Association (NRA), America's largest lobbying organization for gun manufacturers, are expected to descend on Indianapolis today for the group's annual "meeting."  The three-day event will draw an unhealthy mix of merchants of death, right-wing extremist politicians, zealots who freely conflate religion and politics, and all manner of individuals hoping to make a quick buck off of gun-fondlers, religious and political extremists, and any other gullible types with money two burn.

This orgy of guns and gun "rights" last came to Indy in 2019.

There will be exhibit halls stacked to the rafters with the stuff of wet dreams for Nazis, racists, homophobes, potential school shooters, those who view the US Government as their personal enemy, and all of the others who staunchly defend freedom in the comfort and security of their parents' basements.

One of highlights of any NRA get-together of any appreciable size is the certain emergence of the lowest strata of Republican presidential hopefuls.  Trump will be there putting on the grift, and Mike Pence will also address the group where he will undoubtedly give his well-thumped Bible a few extra whacks as he labors to convince the crowd that even though he is morally rigid and frigid, he is also devoted to the right of everyone, from imbeciles to criminals, to own as many rapid-fire guns with excessively large magazines as they can reasonably stockpile and defend.

And certainly, with so many rubes in town looking for a good time, hookers will be arriving by the busload.  It should be a blast of a weekend for midwestern working girls, and with so many repressed evangelical Republican men in town, the working boys should do quite well also.

Praise Jesus and pass the ammunition!

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