Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Queen of Harassment Doesn't Like Being Harassed

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Nuisance noise generator Marge Greene tried to hold a protest rally across from the courthouse in New York City where Donald Trump was arraigned yesterday, but a bunch of impolite New Yorkers had other plans.   As the Georgia congresswoman was attempting to get her act together, quite a few people who were actually from New York gathered around and began making so much noise that poor Marge could not be heard.  She soon packed up and left.


Marge claimed that the rude New Yorkers had “assaulted” her with their noise.  Not too many days before that she has been shut down by a protester blowing a whistle, and again Marge had claimed that she had been “assaulted” by the noise.


To put Marge’s continuing victimhood into context, there is video floating around the internet of a trip Marge made to Washington, DC, back when she was just another Q-Anon crackpot and before she was ever elected to Congress.  Marge was walking around the Capitol trying to get an audience with somebody important so that she could prattle on about one of her positions – probably guns or abortion – and make a video that she could use on social media to promote her upcoming campaign for Congress.    She was not having much luck with the endeavor.  The mighty and powerful did not want to mess with her.


But then the Georgia politician happened to come across anti-gun advocate David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland, Florida, high school mass shooting.  Young Mr. Hogg, who was still in high school at the time, was visiting members of Congress and lobbying for federal restrictions on firearms.


Marge, who was undoubtedly “green“ with envy that a mere kid was being welcomed by so many important legislators while she was being ignored, decided that instead of focusing on confronting some little known political figure, she would instead follow the youthful Florida anti-gun activist around and harass him – and collect some footage for her social media that would endear her to the big-money NRA and its supporters


The novice politician , who was pushing fifty, spent an extended period of time following the Florida minor around the Capitol grounds “assaulting” him with her heckling, and to his credit, young Mr. Hogg stayed calm and respectful as he ignored Marge's claptrap and noise.  


One behaved like an adult.  The other was Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Republicans seem to generally lack a sense of irony – or shame!

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