Friday, November 20, 2020

Trump Tries to Rig Michigan Vote

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist 

It's been two-and-a-half weeks since the presidential election, and tomorrow will make two full weeks since the major news services called the election for Joe Biden, but yet Trump clings on and refuses to acknowledge the reality of his not-even-close loss to Biden.  Trump has tweeted about massive vote irregularities and railed that the election was "stolen" from him - and he has gone to court in multiple states to wage his claims of being the victim of fraud.    

However, Trump's lawyers who lie with ease outside of court are more cautious in front of judges - and they generally show up in court without anything more substantial than Trump's unhinged ravings.  The "evidence" of election fraud is slim to non-existent - and the cases are routinely crumbling in court and being dismissed or bounced out.

So Trump tweets, and tweets, and tweets - and spreads his message on social media like liquid hog manure on a fallow pasture.  He was robbed, dammit, robbed - and his people must rise up and forcibly take back their democracy!

But the courts have failed Donald Trump, and so far the farmers with their pitchforks have not marched on Washington, DC, so now he is looking at committing his fraud through the governing bodies that have a role to play in the elections.  

This week there was a brouhaha in Wayne County, Michigan, when county canvassers deadlocked 2-2 on certifying the county vote.  The county, which is predominantly black, had voted heavily for Biden.   After the county board of canvassers deadlocked, a public outcry seemed to pressure the county canvassers, and the two republicans changed their votes to confirm.

Donald Trump picked up the telephone and personally called one of the two Wayne county canvassers who had balked at certifying Wayne County.  He said that he was concerned and just checking on her safety.  At that point both of the wavering canvassers decided that they wanted to rescind their votes in favor of Wayne County's certification for Biden, but their votes had been cast and the recensions weren't accepted.  Now the state canvassers, again two Democrats and two Republicans, will meet next week, and if they certify the results, the state electors officially belong to Biden.  But, if there is another deadlock, the matter will go to court.

So Trump pivoted to Michigan's GOP-controlled legislature.   This morning two GOP leaders of that body - the Speaker of the Michigan House and the leader of the Michigan Senate - are enroute to Washington, DC, at the invitation of Trump, to meet with him at the White House.  That's quite a coup for a couple of members of an obscure state legislature to be invited to the White House to meet personally with the President of the United States.  What could he possibly want to discuss?  

It almost feels as though Trump may be trying to assert himself into the state's selection of which electors will represent Michigan in the Electoral College count.  One thing is absolutely certain, Trump is not checking on their safety - or well-being.   Other people's problems have never been any concern to him whatsoever!

One former Michigander, Utah's Republican Senator Mitt Romney, had this to say on Twitter this morning about Trump's meddling in Michigan's electoral process:

"Having failed to make even a plausible case of widespread fraud or conspiracy before any court of law, The President has now resorted to overt pressure on state and local officials to subvert the will of the people and overthrow the election.  It is difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action by a sitting President."
So far Mitt Romney's tweet has not drawn a response from Donald Trump or from Mitt's niece, Ronna Romney McDaniel, the Chairwoman of the National Republican Party.  Ronna Romney McDaniel is a resident of Michigan, and her grandfather - and Mitt's father - was George Romney, a nationally-known Republican governor of Michigan back in the 1960's.

Thank you, Mitt Romney, for exhibiting the honor and courage to call it like it is, and for being an on-going proponent of fair and honest elections.  You do your family and our country proud!

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