Monday, November 2, 2020

Rampaging Road Bullies

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump's mentally unhinged supporters have taken their craziness on the road - literally.   This past Friday a Biden-Harris campaign bus traveling from San Antonio to Austin, Texas, on Interstate 35 was swarmed by a group of vehicles (called a "Trump Train") laden with Trump signs and flags that tried to force the bus off of the road.  Skillful driving by the bus driver managed to keep the bus on the road, but a private car following the bus and belonging to a Biden campaign worker was sideswiped by one of the Trump vehicles.  

Law enforcement vehicles had to be called in to escort the bus on to its destination.

The FBI is investigating the incident which was captured on video and is widely available over the internet.  Trump, of course, is expressing anger that he FBI would investigate the potentially deadly incident that occurred on an interstate highway.

The organizers on-board the bus canceled some events out of a concern for public safety.

Donald Trump cheered the highway mayhem, tweeting that he "loved" Texas.  On Sunday at a rally in Washington, Michigan, Trump said that the his people in Texas has been "protecting" the Biden bus because "they're nice."

Donald Trump, Junior, also went on Twitter to encourage Trump supporters in Laredo, Texas, to head to a Kamala Harris event in McAllen,  Texas, to give her a "Trump Train welcome."  The strong implication was that he was encouraging intimidation of Harris and her Texas supporters.

Yesterday (Sunday) Trump caravans blocked traffic on several major roadways in New Jersey and New York.  These "Trump Trains" brought traffic to a standstill on the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey and the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge in New York.  Internet videos showed people exiting the Trump vehicles to wave their flags and harangue the people stuck in the stalled cars with bullhorns.

All of that road-bullying is dangerous and criminal behavior, yet it is condoned and cheered on by our nation's chief law-enforcement officer.  One has to wonder if we are still a functioning, civilized society?

What will happen to law and order in the United States when Donald Trump loses on Tuesday?

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