Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Biden Sweeps Dixville Notch - but Loses Bigly in Millsfield

by Pa Rock
Enthusiastic Voter

* * * * *   Election Dispatch #1 * * * * *

The nation's first two official vote tallies are in.  Last night voters in the New Hampshire community of Dixville Notch, which lies just south of the Canadian border, did their regular thing and met at midnight in the "Ballot Room" of The Balsams Resort and cast their secret ballots.  After all five of the town's eligible voters had cast their ballots, the ballot box was opened and the votes were tallied.  Former Vice President Joe Biden was victorious winning the contest 5-0.  

Dixville Notch has been voting in the pre-dawn hours since 1960, and during that time it has witnessed the community population slowly dwindling.  The town's selectman, the individual who administer's the election, moved away since the last election and there was some concern that the local tradition would die - but the community was able to replace the official and the early voting continued.

Millsfield, New Hampshire, a small community just south of Dixville Notch, also opened its polls at mighnight, but twenty-one people showed up to vote there necessarily requiring more time to cast ballots and tally votes.   When those votes were tallied shortly after the numbers from Dixville Notch came in, the results were Trump 16 and Biden 5.

The New Hampshire hamlet of Hart's Location which is further south in the White Mountains also has a tradition of voting at midnight.  That little town cancelled the early vote this year due to the pandemic and will instead allow its 48 voters to cast their ballots during normal voting hours today.

Votes are being cast and counted.

It's on!

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