Wednesday, November 11, 2020

America Does Not Like Sore Losers!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Emily W. Murphy is a lawyer and a political hack who currently serves as Administrator of the General Services Administration, the agency which controls our nation's civilian workforce.  Murphy was appointed to her job by Donald Trump in 2017, and she apparently feels a deep and abiding loyalty to Trump and his presidency, a loyalty so profound that she is allowing it to interfere with the performance of her job.

One of Emily Murphy's job functions is to provide transition assistance in the form of money and office space to incoming administrations once it becomes generally accepted that a new president has been elected.  But Murphy has refused so far to recognize the obvious win of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and she is currently wallowing in her fifteen minutes of fame by declining to offer any assistance to the team that will be running the government that she purportedly serves in just a matter of weeks.

Emily Murphy isn't the only ostrich refusing to pull her head from the political quicksands surrounding Washington, DC.   Several prominent members of Congress and government officials are still pretending that Donald Trump has some path to victory - a few out of a blind allegiance to Trump, and others due to fear of what he might tweet about them if they jump ship - even after the ship has already sunk.  

As an example of the Trump fear factor:  Georgia's two Republican senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler both called for Georgia's Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger,  to resign over his "mishandling" of last week's election, an election that leaves both Perdue and Loeffler facing run-off elections in January.  Raffensperger denied that he had mishandled anything and refused their request that he resign, essentially telling both esteemed US senators that they could go piss up a rope.  News stories out this morning indicate that the senators were doing the bidding of Donald Trump out of an abject terror that he would come after them on Twitter and damage their January election chances if they didn't attack the secretary of state and his election process.

Others have been vocally supportive of Trump hanging onto the presidency as ways to advance their own political careers.   Senators like Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton, who both have presidential ambitions, have made forays out to stir the rabble in Trump's defense, and, to a large extent, for their own political advancement among the stalwarts of the Trump cult.

There has even been some blatant dishonesty in support of keeping Trump in the White House.  According to Donald Trump's least favorite newspaper, TheWashington Post, a fellow named Richard Hopkins made a sworn statement that a postmaster in Erie, Pennsylvania, had instructed postal workers to backdate election ballots that had been mailed in after the election.  Senator Lindsey Graham had one of his hissy fits and sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr demanding an investigation - which Barr promptly ordered.  But, Mr. Hopkins then had a change of heart and recanted his false statement.  He said that he had been paid $130,000 by Republican donors to make the false claim.

And when the measure of the entire matter has been taken, Donald Trump still has nothing.  He is cranking out lawsuits, and many of those have already been dismissed by the courts.  He is a bully and a sore loser - and he is making full-throated demands that he be allowed to have his way!

The ever-petty and resentful current leader is even denying the incoming President and his team the right to have daily national security briefings.   Trump, who has been openly disdainful of those briefings himself, and reportedly gets bored with them if they lack pictures, doesn't want Biden to even have access to information and materials that he will need on Day One of his administration.  

Biden, on the other hand, has not been slowed by the roadblocks that Trump is pushing into his path.  His team is hard at work crafting a response to the pandemic, and the President-Elect is reportedly making decisions on White House staff appointments and has indicated that he will have some cabinet secretaries named by Thanksgiving.  He is busy transitioning from private citizen to President of the United States without any transition assistance from the government that he will soon lead - and in spite of strident resistance from the man he will soon replace.

This promisees to be a "transition" like no other.

Yesterday Joe Biden referred to Trump as an "embarrassment" over the way he is handling his solid defeat at the polls, and he noted that Trump's sad behavior will follow him into the history books.  Trump is an embarrassment, and more than that, he is a very sore loser --- and America does not like sore losers!

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