Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Arizona Notes

by Pa Rock
Enthusiastic Voter 

* * * * *   Election Dispatch #5  * * * * *

A friend who lives in the Phoenix suburbs said that as she was approaching a polling site this morning she came across a roadside sign that read "AZ Republicans for Biden!"  She was so surprised and impressed that she snapped a picture for her Facebook page.

Another friend, this one a lady in Tucson, had this to say:  

"For several weeks Trump supporters have lined the highway sides and median, waving their signs and American flags (as though they own the concept of patriotism) near a restaurant notorious for its sympathetic Trump leanings.  This is right on my way to . . . well, most anywhere.  I've enjoyed giving them an enthusiastic thumbs-down as I drive by and they've enjoyed giving me the finger in return.  But then a couple of days ago, one of them chased after me and tried to hit the back of my car with his sign!  Over a thumbs-down!  Seriously?  I've tried to suppress my thumbs-down since then and was successful until this morning, when I just couldn't resist.  Fortunately, no repeat sign assault incident occurred this time."
It's a good thing the second correspondent wasn't in Phoenix.  A lot of those goobers carry guns!

Arizona has a hot US Senate race, one that the Democratic candidate, former astronaut Mark Kelly, stands a good chance of winning.  That race could also pull Biden-Harris to victory in the Scorpion State.   The incumbent is former Congresswoman Martha McSally who was appointed to the Senate seat by Governor Ducey after she lost race for the other Senate seat to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema two years ago.

Arizona, why couldn't you have been that enlightened when I lived there.  Back then we couldn't even get rid of Joe Arpaio!

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