Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Missouri Goes for Trump

by Pa Rock
Missouri Biden Voter

* * * * *   Election Dispatch #8  * * * * *

It took a little over two-and-a half hours to determine, but the Associated Press has finally declared that Missouri is officially in the Trump column - again.  I'm so ashamed.

I'm ashamed and I am also a little pissed off.  Missouri essentially gets written off in the primary process and in the general election.  Our legislature could make Missouri relevant in the primary election process by setting a very early primary date, but I suspect the GOP legislators and lobbyists who run the state don't want  outsiders coming in and shaking things up.  Or Congress or the national parties could change it by setting up a system of regional primaries on schedules that rotate with each election cycle.  But as long as we are stuck with June primaries, we - the citizens of Missouri - will have damn little say in who the party nominees are because by June the nominations have usually been nailed down.

Also, as long as the Electoral College remains in place nobody cares about the minority party (Democratic) in Missouri because the electoral votes will go to Republicans anyway - so we get no visits from the candidates of either party.

We desperately need regional rotating primaries and the elimination of the Electoral College.  Until those things happen, a lot of Americans will continue not to matter.

Every American should have an actual voice in who their party nominees are, and every voter should have national candidates trying to earn their votes.

Anything less just doesn't smell like democracy.

(More bad news:  Our political hack governor, Republican Mike Parson, has been elected to another term.  I am even more ashamed!)

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