Thursday, June 4, 2020

Trump Hunkers in the Bunker, Poses with Bible

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I've ignored the absurdity and criminality of Donald John Trump for the past several days because I have a freshly broken right arm and do not possess the requisite strength or stamina to wade very far into Trump's percolating swamp sewage.  But a couple of Trump's actions this week were so egregious, even for him, as to demand inclusion into this humble record of life in America in the early 21st century.

The major news stories this week have focused on the nationwide (and worldwide) protests over the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd, a black man accused of passing a counterfeit twenty dollar bill who died while being held on the ground, while handcuffed, as a white police officer pressed his knee into Mr. Floyd's throat.  Four officers were involved in the fatal incident, and, after a week of protests, all four were finally charged.

Donald Trump has waffled around on the matter, bouncing from trying to find the political sweet spot to posing as the authoritarian-in-chief.  Early in the week he lashed out at governors and mayors for not standing up to the protesters - and then threatened to go around them and send in troops himself.  Trump tried to portray the governors and mayors as weak.

But some of the protests came to Trump's front door.  A couple of times the angry crowds got near enough to the White House to begin pushing barricades around.  At one point during the week, security forces inside of the White House moved Trump to a "bunker" beneath the building for a period of time.

When word leaked to the press that the blustering leader has been holed up in the bunker, America laughed - and Trump roared.    He had not been hiding in fear, hr explained, a bit too loudly.  He had simply gone into the bunker to "inspect" it!

And America had its second laugh-of-the-day at Trump's expense!

And as that embarrassment began to set in, one of Trump's White House toads divined that it might be a good time to stir his evangelical base into action.  A plan was hatched for Trump and his retired porn model wife to walk across Lafayette Park and pose - Bible-in-hand - at St. John's Episcopal Church.  Church leaders were not given advance notice of the quickly planned photo op.

But there was a problem in getting to the church.  Lafayette Park was full of peaceful protesters, and Donald Trump, who is, at his core, a devout coward, had no wish to come face-to-face with the angry rabble.  A contingent of U.S. Park Police, Secret Service, and the District of Columbia National Guard went in and forcibly cleared out the park using tear gas and pepper spray.  Trump's gestapo forces labeled the crowd as "violent," yet news organizations on the scene reported that the protesters were peaceful up until the time that government forces showed up to forcibly disperse them.

The rampaging hordes were driven off, Trump and Melania strolled to the church, she pulled a Bible out of her bag and handed it to him, and, Praise Jesus, the country was back under the control of a true Christian!

Episcopal leaders were not amused at the sanctity of their church being used for a scuzzball political stunt and photo op.  A day or two later when Trump showed up for a photo op at a shrine for Pope John Paul II, Catholic leaders were not amused either.

And the protests go on around the globe - with more than a million marchers expected in Washington, DC, this Saturday.  They will be there in solidarity with millions of other protesters, during a global pandemic, and also in the midst of the most serious economic downturn in almost a century.

The world is a mess - and we owe it all to Donald John Trump.   His regime is collapsing, and as it falls in on itself, it threatens to bring down our entire nation as well.

Heck of a job, Donnie!  Now it's time for you to go away.

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