Friday, June 5, 2020

DC Mayor Moves to Evict Outside Agitators

by Pa Rock 
Citizen Journalist

Senator Mike Lee, a whiny Republican from Utah who has been best known for being Ted Cruz's only friend in the Senate, has been all over Fox News and Twitter yesterday evening and this morning decrying what he sees as the mistreatment of some members of his state's national guard by Muriel Bowser, the Mayor of Washington, DC.  Senator Lee's current snivel-fest is rooted in his claim that Mayor Bowser is "evicting" 1,200 national guardsmen, 200 of whom are from Utah, from their cushy Washington, DC, hotel rooms.  Apparently the guardsmen are in town to manage strife in the streets of the nation's capital at the direction of the federal government, but payment for their room and  board has been assigned to the city government.

The angry Senator Lee tweeted this late Thursday night::

"Just heard that Mayor Bowser is kicking the Utah National Guard out of all DC hotels tomorrow. More than 1,200 troops from ten states are being evicted.  This is unacceptable."

He followed that up with this:

"These brave men and women have risked their lives protecting DC for three days.  Rioting, looting, arson, and vandalism have all disappeared bc these soldiers served.  And now they are being kicked to the curb by an ungrateful mayor.  This must be stopped."

That, of course, is Senator Lee's opinion, and Mayor Bowser undoubtedly sees the same situation in quite a different light - perhaps as a continuation of the same sense of white privilege that resulted in the death of George Floyd to begin with.

But Mayor Bowser did not go there, nor did she decry the purely partisan ways in which the Trump administration has used the out-of-state troops as re-election tools.  The mayor and many others see the overwhelming numbers of armed troops as being a key element of the problem - and an obstacle to restoring peace on the streets.

Mayor Bowser tweeted back at Senator Lee that the city was not going fund hotel rooms for troops that it does not want in the city.

The District of Columbia has long been one of the nation's bastard children with no voting representatives in the House or Senate - and the federal government - and particularly Congress - has long imposed its mighty white will on this predominantly city of color.   Perhaps now is the time to actually begin talking in earnest about statehood for the District.

The citizens of the District of Columbia should have as much right to control their own streets and their own destiny as the citizens of Utah have to manage theirs.

And Mike Lee needs to make a few new friends.

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