Wednesday, June 3, 2020

My Oregon Gems

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

I have three grandchildren living in Oregon whom I have not seen since last October, and now with the restrictions of a broken arm and the rampaging coronavirus, it may be some time before I am able to see them again.   Sebastian, who will be thirteen next month, attends a public middle school (grades 6-9), Judah, the ten-year-old, goes to a private specialized school, and Willow, age eight, has just completed second grade in a K-5 elementary school.

The curriculum at Judah's school is very demanding, and I know that he works hard at mastering every assignment, and even with the past couple of months of study occurring at home, he has stayed on task and completed all of his work.  I am very proud of Judah.

In addition to normal middle school studies. Sebastian has also developed an interest in music and plays tenor saxophone in the band.  He has recently earned a spot in the advanced band.  Pa Rock is proud - and a little envious of that achievement!  (I always wanted to learn to play an instrument, but never had the opportunity - so I whistle - a lot!)

Willow whistles, too, and she is also an artist.  She recently entered an art contest to create the cover art for her school's yearbook - and her drawing won!  Proud Pa Rock has already ordered his own copy which will be framed and hanging on the wall the next time Willow comes to The Roost for a visit!

So even though I don't get to see my Oregon grandchildren as much as I would like, I still manage to keep up with their lives.  Sebastian, Judah, and Willow are all great kids, and I love them very much!

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