Sunday, June 14, 2020

Trump at Seventy-Four

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald John Trump read a speech  from a teleprompter yesterday to the 2020 graduating class of  at West Point.  The young, newly-minted second lieutenants came back to The Point two weeks ago in order to be quarantined for an appropriate time before being marched out to listen to Trump's thinly-veiled campaign drivel.

There has been a lot of comment in the news regarding Trump's listless and slurred delivery of the speech as well as what appeared to be some rather obvious physical impairments.  At one point he took a drink of water and used both hands to navigate the glass to his mouth, and as he walked down the ramp from the stage at the end of the speech he seemed to have some coordination and balance issues.

In addition to the ever-circulating rumors that Trump has substance abuse issues, he is also an elderly individual - 74-years-old today - and subject to all of the normal infirmities associated with aging - infirmities which his raging narcissism will never allow him to admit.

Happy birthday, Donald John.  May you be retired and playing golf on your own dime by the time your next one rolls around!

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