Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Putting People First

by Pa Rock
Health Care Consumer

Republican politicians have been opposed to Medicare since its inception because it. takes government money which could be going to their wealthy campaign donors and corporate America, and instead directs it to benefit average and even poor Americans.  And when government money is used to benefit ordinary people, it is called "handouts" and "socialism" and it. is inherently evil.

Medicare is funded through payroll contributions to the Social Security fund, both programs which are intended to directly benefit the elderly.  Politicians (mainly Republican) have "borrowed" from the Social Security trust fund to pay for other programs over the years, leaving the once solid program always in some degree of peril.  Many would like to kill Social Security for the same reason that they would like to kill Medicare, because they are rigidly opposed to the poor having access to money that they have paid into government, but Social Security and Medicare have become fixtures in society and any attempt to kill them would likely bring about political ruin to the perpetrators.

That's the reason Republicans were in such a rush to kill the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) at the beginning of Trump's term.  They wanted to eliminate it quickly before it became overwhelmingly popular like Social Security and Medicare.  John McCain solidified his stature as a 'patriot for the ages' when he blocked their treachery.

Even though the permanence of Social Security and Medicare is fairly well established, skillful politicians still can't pass up the occasional temptation to try and "fix" programs that work - and usually manage to make them less effective in the process.   Retirement ages for Social Security are climbing, a move which expands the number of people paying into the system as they necessarily work more years.

Medicare has now been divided into three parts - hospital, medical coverage, and pharmacy - with the pharmacy being a weak coverage with an extra cost.  In order to feel secure with Medicare, health care consumers also need to purchase a "gap" policy to cover the many costs that Medicare does not cover.  All in all, complete medical coverage for an elderly person is still an expensive proposition, and those who expect to live long enough to enjoy its benefits will likely be in for a rude awakening when they finally reach retirement age.

As mentioned a few days ago in this apace, I recently suffered a broken arm.  Medicare and my supplemental insurance will pay most of my bills with only sporadic fussing - at least I hope they will - but there are still some major holes in the concept of 'complete' coverage.  One that I have been dealing with is home health care.

Having only the use of my (non-dominant) left arm and hand, showering, shaving, and even brushing my teeth are unexpectedly difficult.  My son can help on many things, but neither he nor I are comfortable with him assisting in detailed personal hygiene.  I asked my primary care doctor about a home health worker, and he said that he suspected I would have to cover that cost myself.

But I have spent a lifetime working in low-paying public service positions like being a teacher and a social worker - and I always paid my taxes - so surely the government would help scrub my back and feet during a time of personal crisis.  I was entitled!

Yeah, right.

Medicare informed me that they would send a home health provider if I was on Medicaid, but not Medicare.  Bastards!

Then I called my supplemental insurance provider, Blue Cross / Blue Shield.  They said they would send an RN for a legitimate medical use - if recommended by my doctor - but not to assist with personal hygiene.  Bastards!  (My tombstone will read:  "Here lies Pa Rock.  He was once covered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield, but now he's covered by dirt - better coverage, better premiums!)

But, I have someone at home who can help me, and I have the means to hire a health aid - though it will embitter me to do so.  My doctor reminded me that there are so many others who are worse off than me.  He said that he has elderly patients who are living alone and cannot afford any type of help.  Those are the ones that he wakes up at night worrying about.

I will survive, at least until after I vote in the November elections, but others won't.  They will lack medicines because they could not afford Medicare Part D, or they will die because they can't afford basic utilities, or they will expire from simple neglect because no one feels compelled to check on them.

It's the world's worst safety net, and there are Republicans clamoring to take even that down.

Old age and decrepitude are coming for all of us like a speeding train.  Two weeks ago I was relatively healthy and pain-free - and not long before that I was twenty-five!  Today I am a stumbling, drooling, wreck of a human struggling to bang out his anger and frustration onto a computer keypad using only his left hand!

It's damned well time the United States of America began prioritizing people over things like corporate greed, tax cuts for the rich, presidential golf outings, and endless piles of armaments.

If we cannot take care of our old folks, it's time to pack it all in because we have failed as a nation - and all of the bombs in the world won't be able to change that sorry outcome!

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