Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday's Poetry: "Young at Heart"

by Pa Rock
Poetry Appreciator

I like music - and I like to whistle - and through my whistling I've butchered many a classic tune.  It doesn't take much to get me started, and whenever any of my senses pick up on something that puts me in mind of a song, I begin to whistle.  It doesn't make any difference where I happen to be at the time, I whistle.  I've whistled in schools, in churches, and on crowded passenger planes.  I find myself always whistling as I walk the aisles of Aldi's doing my weekly shopping - and it's always the same damned tune.

When I was a kid there was a game show on television called "Name that Tune" which ran from 1953-1959 and was hosted by Bill Cullen.   (Remember Bill Cullen?  He was also the host of the original "The Price Is Right" and appeared in several other game shows.). "Name that Tune" was brought back to television in the 1970's and has even made sporadic appearances on the tube in more recent years.  One of the features included in the show was a bidding segment in which contestants bid against each other to see who would attempt to name a tune (song) in the fewest notes.  "I can name that tune in six notes."  "Oh yeah, well, I can name that tune in five notes!"  And so on.

I was fairly good at the game.  Give me five or six notes and I could name most of the popular music of the day.  I have a very reliable ear when it comes to identifying the music of a certain era - an era recognized by people who can remember Bill Cullen!  And that reliable ear is what always gets me whistling at Aldi's.

The card readers at the checkout counters at Aldi's - at least at the Aldi's where I shop - have a distinctive three-note ring when they approve cards - a ring that can be heard across much of the store.  The three notes match the beginning three notes of a song made famous by Frank Sinatra and later recorded by Michael Buble entitled "Young at Heart."  The song begins "Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart."  And the first three notes of the card reader exactly match the words "Fairy tales" from the song.  And that sets me off!

Sometimes I imagine that I hear a loud groan as I enter the store, but surely not!

Young at Heart
by Johnny Richards and Carolyn Leigh

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If you're young at heart
For it's hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If you're young at heart

You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart, or on its way

Don't you know that it's worth every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are, it's much better by far
To be young at heart

And if you should survive to a hundred and five
Look at all you'll derive out of being alive
And here is the best part, you have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart

1 comment:

Sherrie L. said...

I've never met a Whistler I didn't like. Good people.