Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Molly the Busy Mom Turns Forty-Three

by Pa Rock
Proud Papa

I sent my daughter an email earlier this morning wishing her a happy birthday and telling her that I remember where I was forty-three years ago this morning.  I remember it clearly - and I find that reassuring in a time when it seems like I am starting to forget so much.

The labor that brought Molly into this world was induced, and once the process started she came so fast that I almost didn't get my scrubs and hospital gown on in time to make it into the delivery room for her arrival.  When she was born she had beautiful little golden red curls of hair plastered to her head and looked like an angel.  Today she still has curly golden red hair.

Molly was born at a fairly new hospital that was one of the biggest in the area.  There were over thirty newborns in the viewing room later that evening when my parents arrived to see their new granddaughter, and Molly was on the front row with her little red curls.   As my mother stepped up to the window she knew which baby she had come to see and pointed at Molly saying "That's our baby right there!"  Molly's other grandmother came the next day - along with her mother (Sophia Wiederkehr Doerpinghaus - Molly's great-grandmother).  Gramma Aggie was carrying the largest poinsettia that I had ever seen!

Now Molly is a mother herself with three children ages eight to twelve.  She is a traditional mom by today's measure in that she seems to be constantly in her car taking kids to their various schools - and home again - as well as to all sorts of activities.  It seems - at least to this outsider - that she is continually racing from one place or event to another, yet amid all of the family hubbub, Molly still finds time to work as a personal assistant to a handicapped individual.  I get tired just watching her rush about, so I can imagine how Molly must feel at the end of a "normal" day.

But enjoy it while you can, Molly.  Soon the kids will all be gone and your major activity will be sitting back and reminiscing about how much fun things used to be!

Much love on you birthday!  I am very proud of you!

1 comment:

molly. said...

Thanks, Dad! Funny thing, we currently have TWO poinsettias in our house. We usually have no flowers around here, as none of us know how to take care of them, but Sebastian was selling poinsettias for a band fundraiser & we somehow ended up with two. Thanks for all of the birth details. I wasn't aware that so many grandparents were there!!