Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Windmills of Trump's Mind

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The sun is shining, birds are singing, and Donald Trump is lying . . . and lying, and lying, and lying.  The fact-checkers who sift through Trump's constantly flowing stream of odoriferous malarkey now estimate that he is up to around two dozen lies a day.  Trump lies, and lies, and lies -and it would probably be much simpler to tally the few times that he states the truth.  He lies when he thinks he needs to shape a story his way, and he lies at times when there appears to be absolutely no need for him to stray from the truth.  It almost seems as though he enjoys lying - and that lying is a significant component of who Donald Trump really is.

George Conway, the much, much, much better half of  White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, has recently noted that Trump lies for his own entertainment and to amuse his rube supporters who recognize and enjoy his lies.  It's his shtick, thank you very much.

It's one thing to quantify Trump's never-ending stream of bullshit, but it would also drive the point home by recognizing the quality of his whoppers, perhaps with weekly ribbons or some such.

This week he came up with two that deserve their own illuminated  crevice in Trump's eventual unpresidential library of shame.  Yesterday he told an audience of government employees and other sycophants in Calexico, California, that the United States is full and no longer has room for immigrants.  Presumably he was talking about immigrants from south of the border - those originating in "shithole" or "Mexican" countries - and not the acceptable white immigrants like those from Norway or the countries where two of Trump's three wives came from.

Donald must have not looked out of the windows of Air Force One during his trip to southern California because almost the entirety of the western United States folds out as a virtual empty wasteland.  The whole of the western United States wreaks of empty - as do wide swaths of of the American northwest.  But our Donald imagines only what he wants to imagine - and his hillbillies whose lives are made even more insufferable by Trump's whimsical economic policies chuckle as they make their way up and down the aisles of Walmart because their God substitute really stuck it to those Mexicans - or liberals - or Democrats - or the fake media - or whatever enemy de jour Trump is thumping this week.

The other award-worthy lie that Donald Trump coughed up this week was a little jewel in which he stated that the noise from windmills causes cancer.  It turns out this lie has its origins in one of Trump's business dealings.  Back in 2006 he got into a row with the government of Scotland over a proposed "wind farm" that would be within view of his golf course and country club in Aberdeen.    Trump argued to the Scottish Parliament that the wind farm would be an eyesore that would devalue his property.   The Scottish government went ahead and built the wind farm over Trump's objections - and he has been anti-wind energy ever since, often using it to mock other candidates for office.

Trump argues that not only do wind farms (large tracts of wind turbines) decrease property values, but that they also kill birds - so many birds that the grounds beneath these big windmills are littered with the bodies of the feathered deceased - and that the noise from wind turbines causes cancer.  The very large windmills, like most big man-made structures probably do cause the demise of some birds over time, though there is a lack of photographic evidence to back up Trump's claims of mass murder of birds.  In fact, some skeptics claim that Trump's obnoxious "towers" are far more deadly to birds than windmills.

And as for the claim that the "noise" from windmills causes cancer . . . well, that is just nonsense, or, as Stephen Colbert pointed out, "It must be true because everyone in Holland is dead!"

(There was a very large wind turbine on the Okinawan seacoast when I was living there a few years ago.  My apartment was close by, and on several occasions I sat on a bench at the base of the turbine and enjoyed the view and sounds of the sea while eating my lunch or reading a book.  Never, during my visits to that American-style wind turbine did I ever see any dead birds - not one - and the skies were full of gulls and other island birds.  And while the birds may have been noisy, the turbine was not.  And, as far as I know, I do not have now, nor have I ever had, cancer!)

Steven Colbert further noted that while windmills are unlikely to cause cancer, he suspected that listening to Donald Trump might cause brain damage.

And I strongly suspect there is plenty of available evidence to support that notion!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Ironically, Obamacare covers brain cancer.