Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Old Joe's Last Hurrah

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Former Vice President Joe Biden has let it be known that he will announce his candidacy for President of the Untied States tomorrow.    He previously ran for the Democratic nomination for President in 1988 when he lost to Michael Dukakis and in 2008 when Barack Obama won the nomination.  One must assume that this will be Old Joe's last hurrah.

(In other news, Cher is currently playing to sold-out crowds on her third "farewell" tour.)

When Biden declares, he will become the 20th candidate for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

Some political prognosticators are blatantly declaring that the 76-year-old Biden will be "the" or at least "a" front runner as soon as he declares, and there are some reports emanating from the Trump White House that Old Joe is the candidate that they most fear.  (And we all know those self-serving vote-suppressors and manipulators wouldn't lie!)   Others see the contest quickly devolving into a two-man race between Biden and 77-year-old Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed "Democratic Socialist," is running from the progressive wing of the party, and Biden is claiming the mantle of "centrist," which some see as code for being a "business-as-usual" Democrat.  Joe is entering the race with no campaign cash in the bank and is reportedly deploying a group of corporate lobbyists to collect and bundle checks from business interests.  He also has solid ties with America's unions.  Other prominent Democrats, like Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Kirsten Gillibrand - and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke, are declining to take any corporate donations in funding their campaigns.

This year the Democratic field is blessed with a wealth of youth, energy, and diversity, yet the party apparatus seems to be hellbent on casting its lot (and ours) with a white guy, Joe or Bernie, who is older than Donald Trump.  If the convention delegates fail to select a nominee on the first ballot, the superdelegates will swoop in on the second ballot and hand the nomination to someone they see as safe - most likely Biden.

And Donald Trump will sleep well that night, and so will Stephen, Sarah, Betsy, and the rest of the gang.

If Joe Biden is the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020, this tired old typist will vote for him.  And as I cast my ballot I will be thankful that I am not in the running for a job as demanding as President of the United States.  My seventy-one-year-old body would not be up to the challenges, and my seventy-one year-old mind is certainly not as sharp and clear as it was twenty years ago.  I'm past my prime and I know it.

God knows how decrepit I will be when I am Joe Biden's age!

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