Friday, April 19, 2019

More Great Minds Tie Trump to God

by Pa Rock
Burgeoning Heretic

A couple of days ago I used space in this blog to address former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's blasphemous claim that Donald Trump is both "biblical" and "godly."   Yesterday, in a television segment, Lou Dobbs of Fox News, went on a tirade about the Mueller investigation which he labelled a "conspiracy to overthrow the president of the United States."   Dobbs then elevated the his defense of Trump to an astral plane with this gem:

"Pastor Robert Jeffress always talks about this president.  God sent this president.  He is a person of providence.  And I'll tell you the evidence is accumulating mightily to support the pastor's views."

Crackpots quoting crackpots -  proof positive of Trump's divine credentials!

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, the daughter of a very rural Arkansas hill preacher, has also weighed in on the notion that Trump might be on some sort of mission from God.  In an article in "Premier Gazette" which ran on February 4th of this year, Sanders presented a notion that God chooses different people at different times to do His bidding, and then went on to suggest that in the fall of 2016 God had deliberately chosen Donald Trump to carry out His mission here on earth.

To counterbalance that malarkey, a writer for the "Premier Gazette" in the same piece said this:

"Mr. Trump is a rule breaker.  He's a chaotic and sleazy real estate developer who found a black hole in the Republican Party.  And just like a Boa Constrictor looking for a good meal, Trump slithers across the sands of democracy and body-squeezes the constitution and the rule of law."

One article - two very different views of Donald Trump.

Here is yet one more view of Trump, the man of God:

David Lewicki, the pastor of the church in New York City where Donald Trump is on the membership rolls, reported that in the five years in the early 2000's in which he ran the Marble Collegiate Church, Donald Trump never entered the church doors, "not one time."

That's sad, Pastor Lewicki, truly sad.  But given the right set of circumstances, Donald Trump might yet stand outside of the church and sign a few Bibles!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

If David was a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22) then Donald J. Trump by comparison must be a man after Satan's own heart.