Saturday, April 13, 2019

Racist Bully Trump Targets Sanctuary Cities

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

It has been another week of confusion and disinformation within the Trump White House.

Earlier this week Minister of Propaganda Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Reichsfuhrer Stephen Miller both went before the press and assured journalists that their boss, Donald John Trump, was not planning to literally dump thousands of immigrant asylum seekers into America's self-described "sanctuary cities."   But Trump, sensing the amount of anger that the idea generated, quickly undercut Sanders and Miller and said that he was giving serious consideration to the notion of placing asylum seekers in those pesky sanctuary cities.

Trump and his administration have long regarded the sanctuary cities - those with announced policies of not assisting federal authorities in the identification and collection of undocumented immigrants - of being less than patriotic.   They see the funneling of these new arrivals into those sanctuaries as a way to effect political payback.  They also see it as a way to fire up Trump's know-nothing base before the 2020 elections.

Immigrants would be political pawns.

Of course many have been political pawns their whole lives - and when they finally built up the courage to flee  a dangerous tin-pot dictatorship, they quickly found themselves being vilified and humiliated in another.

For those fortunate enough to find a home in one of the United States more humane and progressive urban areas (sanctuary cities), live long and prosper - and know that this great country will not always be mired in the hate and dysfunction that abound today.  The United States was once a great and noble country, and after Donald Trump's reign of terror has ended, it will be again.

Believe that - and help us make that future happen.  Work hard, as you always have, send your kids to school, register, vote, pay your taxes, and help us make the United States great again!

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