Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Willow Files

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

My youngest grandchild, Willow Midnight Searphina Files, turned three-years-old today.  She lives way out in Oregon with her parents and two older brothers, so poor Pa Rock does not get to see her often.  That said, I have been to Oregon twice this year to see Willow and her family, and I hope to go again before too long.

Willow is a very quiet and sweet child.  My favorite personal story about her occurred during one of my visits this year.  Molly (my daughter) and her oldest son, Sebastian, went to a movie - leaving Scott (my son-in-law) and I to take Willow and Judah to the nice park by the river in Salem.  There is a beautiful carousel in one of the pavilions at the park - and it was the carousel's birthday - so we all went for a ride.  Later Willow and I were strolling around the park on our own when we spotted Scott and Judah walking toward us about twenty-five feet away.  Willow and Judah both took off running toward each other.    They met in the middle in a big hug!  It was definitely a Kodak moment!

(For those youngsters who have no idea what a Kodak is, ask your parents - or grandparents!)

Happy birthday, Willow!  Pa Rock loves you and thinks about you often!

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