Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Ozarks Fall into Winter and then Melt into Spring in Just Over a Week!

by Pa Rock
Farmer in Winter

Winter officially arrived a week ago yesterday, according to the calendar, and then to prove that it had begun, a week ago today the temperatures plunged from somewhere in the forties all the way down to single digits, and an icy snow blew in which kept the ground crusty and white for the next several days while the Arctic wind blast prevailed

But that was then, and this is now.

Yesterday the temps began rebounding and most of the snow and ice melted.  Today all of it is gone, and as of noon, the temperature in southern Missouri was a warm and breezy sixty-four degrees Fahrenheit.  It almost feels like spring has arrived, but lo, the calendar says that will not occur until late March!

Today my only excuse for not hopping on the mower and mulching all of the fall leaves to smithereens is that it looks and feels like it could rain.  If the rain has not happened by tomorrow, and if the calamitously nice weather continues, I will surely be forced to reunite with my mighty mower and get to mulching.

Rosie, who has been  hunkered down inside for too long now, and who really resents being carried outside to do her business, is rejoicing in this exceptionally nice weather.  She was outside a few minutes ago and insisted on taking an expansive tour of the yard, revisiting many of her favorite potty spots.  Rosie is definitely ready for spring!

I haven't looked at any of the bulb beds yet today, but the weather is so nice that there are probably little green shoots starting to peek through the barren ground.   It is supposed to only be in the fifties tomorrow, but then back in the sixties on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.  By then the daffodils may be a couple of inches high, and the trees are likely to be budding out.  

Of course, all of that greenery will stall out and probably die when the next cold snap hits - and it WILL get cold again!

But for today the weather is unseasonably nice, and I have some outdoor chores awaiting my attention!

So, hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to fill the bird feeders I go!

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