Sunday, May 16, 2021

Homicide and Voter Fraud

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I've only heard of a few cases of voter fraud, and, of those few, each was perpetrated by Republicans for the specific purpose of benefitting the most recent GOP President, the wobbly, orange one.

Barry Morphew is a registered Republican in the state of Colorado (Chafee County) who has admitted marking and casting two ballots in last November's election.   The reason I know that Barry is a registered Republican is because if you Google him on the internet, one of the first things that pops up is a notice that he is a resident of Salida, Colorado, and is associated with the Republican Party.  I also know Barry is a Republican because when he admitted his voter fraud - although he didn't regard it as wrong - he said that he did it to benefit the Republican in the White House because he knew the other side was cheating so he was just trying to even things out.

Barry was able to vote and cast his wife's ballot, in addition to his own, because she was missing from home when her absentee ballot arrived.  In fact, she had been missing since Mother's Day weekend the previous May (six months earlier) when she rode off on her bicycle and never returned.

Barry Morphew could be in really deep doggie doo for casting two ballots, but it turns out that is just a minor problem for the vote fraudster.   Police agencies were still looking for Barry's wife at the time he was busy voting her ballot, and they have since arrested poor Barry - for his wife's murder!


I did mention that Barry Morphew is a registered Republican and that he committed voter fraud, didn't I?

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