Sunday, September 29, 2019

Saturday in Salem

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

Yesterday was the first time that I had seen my Oregon grandchildren since my visit here last March. They are growing so fast.  Twelve-year-old Sebastian is wearing the same size of shoes as me!

We spent the morning at seven-year-old Willow's soccer game.  It was held in a large park that was a beehive of activity as four games were held simultaneously - and more families were gathering for the next round of games.  Willow is very fast and active and seemed to be really focused on the game. I was especially pleased to not see any bad behavior on the part of the parents and other on-lookers, and they all seemed to be encouraging the kids to enjoy their games and have fun.  After the soccer game ended Willow's parents had to rush her to her weekend gymnastics class.

All of the kids are busy with an assortment of activities.  I guess that is a good thing.  When I was Willow's age it seems like I spent my Saturday mornings lounging in front of our black-and-white television watching shows like Mighty Mouse and Sky King.

Judah, who is nine, is doing well in school and showed off some of his skill with numbers.  When he is not in school Judah enjoys playing with his cars - and seems to have hundreds of them parked all over the house.  Pa Rock, of course, brought him another one from Missouri.

Sebastian has a doorbell on his room door hat he installed himself, and he has various switches in the room to control a complex lighting plan and several fans.  He has a "garden" in the yard outside of his room that has a watering system that he designed, as well as a "garage" under the deck where he keeps his self-designed peddle-powered vehicles.

Willow collects stuffd animals and has a veritable zoo in her room!

We visited Salem's "Saturday Market," a farmers' and craft bazaar in the downtown area in the afternoon.  That was fun and the kids seemed to enjoy exploring as asking questions about the things that were being sold at the outdoor market.

Today promises to hold even more adventures!

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